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European Data – Information and Consulting Services

The Czech Statistical Office is engaged in the net of national centres called European Statistical Data Support - ESDS, prepared to support users by searching for data and working with European statistical information.

The centre provides following services:

  • Answers to queries received by phone or via e-mail or in writing regarding European Union Statistics, Eurostat publications and databases, methodology of data processing, etc.
  • Consultations and advices - information on data availability and services provided, methodology used, definitions of particular indicators, data selection and downloading tools, on the European Statistical system, the Statistical Programme of Eurostat, the EU Enlarging Statistics, orientation on the Eurostat website and working with the databases.
  • Providing extracts from the Eurostat Databases (Dissemination Database, Comext).

All information in CZSO and Eurostat outputs is available for free. For preparation and processing of customized information according to individual requirements, a standard fee will be charged according to the Price List of Services and Products of the CZSO.

You are kindly asked not to send your queries or requirements to more than one address so as not to overburden both our networks and capacity.


Tel.: +420 274 052 757, +420 274 052 347

Request for information - European statistics

Office hours - information services

You can find the current information concerning European statistics at the CZSO website, part International data.

The Czech Statistical Office provides services in accordance with the Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on the State Statistical Service, as amended.
The system of providing statistical information corresponds to principles and standards of the Act No. 365/2000 Coll., as amended.