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Price List of Services and Products


020024-24 Collective tourist accommodation establishments database - Complete database
Price: 400 CZK

Economic Entities

140071-24 RES - CZ - Corporate bodies
Price: 1,200 CZK
140072-24 RES - CZ - Complete database
Price: 3,000 CZK
140073-24 RES - CZ - Changes of database
Price: 100 CZK
140074-24 RES - CZ - Corporate bodies - update
Price: 100 CZK
140079-24 RES - CZ - Complete database - update
Price: 250 CZK
140082-24 RES - CZ - Selections from complete BR - CZ - 1 indicator (i.e. CZ-NACE, legal form, number of employees etc.)
Price: 200 CZK

There is the expert activity price for at least 1/4 hour, i.e. CZK 100 charged to all extracts.

Innovation, patents, high technology

210006-24 Innovation survey (reference period)
Price: 150 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units. Date are provided only in the CZSO's SafeCenter.
210008-24 Annual statistical survey about Licences (Lic 5-01)
Price: 100 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units. Date are provided only in the CZSO's SafeCenter.


130077-24 Demography - births (1 year) or deaths (1 year)
Price: 1,000 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
130078-24 Demography - migration internal or external or marriages or divorces (1 year)
Price: 700 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
130079-24 Demography - abortions (1 year)
Price: 300 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
130081-24 Demography - Age distribution of municipalities with population 1 000+ (1 year)
Price: 200 CZK
Population by age and sex (1 year structure).
130082-24 Demography - Age distribution of municipalities with population under 999 (1 year)
Price: 320 CZK
Population by age and sex (5 years-group structure).


Living standards, household consumption

160023-24 Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) - individuals and households (1 year)
Price: 1,500 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
160024-24 Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (SILC) - individuals or households (1 year)
Price: 800 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
160025-24 Household Budget Survey (1 year)
Price: 2,000 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
160026-24 Microcensus 1996 or Microcensus 2002
Price: 500 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.

Regional statistics

330112-24 Database of municipalities (MOS) - Selection of 1 indicator for all municipalities CZ - 1 year
Price: 200 CZK
There is the expert activity price for at least 1/4 hour, i.e. CZK 100 charged to all extracts.
330113-24 Database of municipalities (MOS) - Selection of all indicators - 1 municipality - 1 year
Price: 50 CZK
There is the expert activity price for at least 1/4 hour, i.e. CZK 100 charged to all extracts.
330117-24 Database of regions and district (KROK) - Complete database of the years 1994 - 1999
Price: 0 CZK
330118-24 Database of regions and district (KROK) - Selection of 1 indicator for all districts and regions
Price: 100 CZK
There is the expert activity price for at least 1/4 hour, i.e. CZK 100 charged to all extracts.
330241-24 Database of municipalities (MOS) - Complete database of one year - for the years 1991 - 1999
Price: 0 CZK

Territory, settlement structure

340064-24 RSO - Layers of address structure
Price: 4,000 CZK
340069-24 RSO - Layers of territorial structure
Price: 500 CZK
340077-24 RSO - Administrative districts, territorial competence of authorities
Price: 200 CZK
340078-24 RSO - combined geoproducts
Price: 100 CZK
340080-24 RSO - Significant area centers
Price: 500 CZK
340090-24 RSO - Update
Price: 0 CZK
RSO - update - the price for product originally purchased (purchase less than 18 months ago) multiplied by update coefficient 0.2.
340092-24 RSO - Layers of accounting structure
Price: 200 CZK

Research and development (R&D)

210007-24 Annual Survey about Research and Development (VTR 5-01)
Price: 700 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units. Date are provided only in the CZSO's SafeCenter.


220017-24 Election results - price per results of 1 election
Price: 100 CZK

International trade

240032-24 Database of Cross border movements of goods - Selection of 1 Export (CBmG) or Import (CBmG) indicator
Price: 100 CZK
There is the expert activity price for at least 0.5 hour, i.e. 8 EUR charged to all extracts.

Employment and unemployment (LFS)

250141-24 Labour Force Survey (LFS) - 1 period (quarter/year)
Price: 500 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
250142-24 Labour Force Survey (LFS) - ad hoc module
Price: 500 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units. Additional specific survey beyond the LFS.
250143-24 Labour Force Survey (LFS) - annual database
Price: 1,500 CZK
Data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units. Annual database contains quarterly databases of 1 year and annual database (= annual avarage)

Other group

990001-24 Expert activity - special order
Price: 400 CZK
The price is set according to time requirement of the order and the price of expert work. Price applies to one hour of expert work; minimum price = 100 CZK (1/4 hour of work). Confidential statistical data can be provided only for scientific or research purposes under a special agreement and in a form which does not allow direct identification of reporting units.
990003-24 Statement of statistical surveys
Price: 60 CZK
990004-24 Copying services - copy A4 (simplex)
Price: 3 CZK
3,- CZK. Up to 20 copies while you wait; more copies only on order. Copying only in relation to requests on providing data.
990011-24 Using a service of the library without registration
Price: 20 CZK
20,- CZK
990012-24 One-year registration - students and pensioners
Price: 50 CZK
50,- CZK
990013-24 One-year registration - others
Price: 100 CZK
100,- CZK
990014-24 Renewal of one-year registration - students and pensioners
Price: 25 CZK
25,- CZK
990015-24 Renewal of one-year registration - others
Price: 50 CZK
50,- CZK
990195-24 SafeCentrum - Handling charge for access (students)
Price: 200 CZK
990196-24 Handling charge for access (researchers)
Price: 500 CZK
990197-24 SafeCentrum - Handling charge for each next hour of output verification
Price: 400 CZK
990198-24 SafeCentrum - Handling charge for each next halfday of work
Price: 200 CZK
990212-24 Copying services - copy A3 (simplex)
Price: 5 CZK
5,- CZK. Up to 20 copies while you wait; more copies only on order. Copying only in relation to requests on providing data.