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Information, consulting and advisory services

The Czech Statistical Office provides information services according to Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on the State Statistical Service.
The CZSO system of providing statistical information corresponds to the principles and requirements stipulated by Act No. 365/2000 Coll.

Information services are available at headquarters of the CZSO, as well as at all regional offices.

We provide:

  • Responses to telephone, e-mail and written inquiries concerning the released information, methodology of data collection, ongoing surveys and international statistics, foreign publications, databases, etc.
  • Consulting and advisory services - information on available data and services, ways of ensuring orders and requirements, methodology used, content of individual indicators.
  • Preparation and processing of information according to individual requirements of users. Provided on the basis of a written order or contract for data provision.
  • Official extracts concerning inflation, wages obtained in different regions, etc.
  • Selections from databases of different statistical domains, regional databases, election statistics, census and from other surveys carried out.
  • Selections from the Business Register - searching by a specific company identification number, name, district or field of activity.
  • Selections from the Register of Census Districts - searching buildings, territorial units and their characteristics.
  • Confidential statistical data - only for scientific purposes (according to Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on State Statistical Service, as amended).

All information (published) on the CZSO website is available for free. Other statistical information products such as printed publications or CD will be provided to anyone who requests it. The price of these products is fixed and listed in the Catalogue of products. The data processed by the CZSO according to individual customer requirements, are also provided for compensation. For this purpose, the published Price list contains the price specifications of services provided.
