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GDP Preliminary Estimate - 1st quarter of 2020

GDP decreased by 3.6%, q-o-q

Publication Date: 15. 05. 2020

Product Code: 050055-20

According to a preliminary estimate, the gross domestic product decreased in the Q1 2020 by 3.6%, quarter-on-quarter, and by 2.2%, year-on-year.

The results of the Czech economy in the first three months of 2020 were significantly influenced by the global coronavirus pandemic a
nd government restrictive measures related to it. The gross domestic product (GDP) adjusted for price effects and seasonally adjusted[1] decreased in the Q1 2020, according to the preliminary estimate, by 3.6% compared to the Q4 2019 and compared to the Q1 2019 it decreased by 2.2%.

The negative y-o-y GDP development was caused mainly by a decrease in external demand and by lower capital formation. Increasing expenditure of the general government sector had a positive influence. The decrease of the gross value added formation was influenced the most by the development in manufacturing and in a group of economic activities of trade, transportation, and accommodation and food service activities.

Employment[2] remained unchanged in the Q1 2020, compared to the previous quarter; when compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year, it decreased by 0.5%.


Responsible head at the CZSO: Vladimír Kermiet, Director of the National Accounts Department, phone number: (+420) 274 054 247, e-mail:
Contact person: Jan Benedikt, Head of the Quarterly Estimates Unit, phone number: (+420) 274 052 750,

Used data sources updated as at: 11 May 2020
Data source:
Since 2020, the quarter report for selected production activities (“P3-04” questionnaire) is fully replaced in estimation models by administrative data from VAT tax returns.

Related CZSO web page:

Next News Release will be published on: 2 June 2020 (GDP resources and uses for the Q1 2020)

[1] All data presented in this News Release are adjusted for seasonal and calendar effects.
Employment in terms of national accounts.

