Methodology - ICT specialists and their wages
The occupations of ICT specialists are subdivided into two major groups while their classification is based on the Classification of Occupations (CZ-ISCO) the corresponding national classification in the Czech based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) (developed by the International Labour Organization). From 2011, ICT specialists are defined and assigned to the major groups, and subgroups of the CZ-ISCO based on recommendations of Eurostat and of the International Labour Organization as follows:
ICT managers, engineers and professionals
133 Information and communications technology services managers;
2152 Electronics engineers;
2153 Telecommunications engineers;
2434 Information and communications technology sales professionals;
25 Information and communications technology professionals;
251 Software and applications developers and analysts;
252 Database and network professionals.
ICT technicians, installers and servicers
3114 Electronics engineering technicians;
35 Information and communications technicians;
351 Information and communications technology operations and user support technicians;
352 Telecommunications and broadcasting technicians;
742 Electronics and telecommunications installers and repairers.
The data on the numbers of ICT specialists are obtained from the Labour Force Sample Survey. In order to ensure higher reliability and to eliminate considerable year-on-year fluctuations of values for this group of employees, data in the table are provided as three-year moving averages (i.e., for example, the value for 2021 is calculated as an average from the values for 2020, 2021, and 2022).
Data on wages of ICT specialists comes from the structural employee wage statistics. It is generated by merging of databases of the sample survey of the Information System on Average Earnings of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (cover the wage sphere), and of the administrative data source of the Salary Information System of the Ministry of Finance (cover the salary sphere).