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Methodology - Healthcare personnel and their wages

The data source for the number of health care personnel (headcount) is the National Register of Health Professionals (abbreviated in Czech as NRZP). The category of “other health care personnel” is grossed up from the E (MZ) 4-01 Annual Statistical Report on employers, the registered number of employees, and contractual workers. The sources of data on the recalculated numbers (Full-Time Equivalent, FTE) of health workers in the regions are the Annual Statistical Reports E (MZ) 2-01, E (MZ) 3-01, and E (MZ) 4-01. Both the NRZP and the E (MZ) series reports are maintained and processed by the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic. 

Data on wages of health care personnel come from special processing of data from the structural employee wage statistics, which is generated by merging of data from the sample survey of the Information and Statistics on Average Earnings (ISPV) system of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which covers the wage sphere, and of the administrative data source of the Salary Information System of the Ministry of Finance, which exhaustively covers the salary sphere

Average gross monthly wage – the arithmetic average of gross monthly wages. Gross wages in the structural employee wage statistics include all wages for work including bonuses, allowances and other wages, as well as all wages compensation for time not worked (annual leave, public holidays, obstacles to work, etc.) and on-call pay for the whole year. Only employees who have worked for the employer for at least one month and whose fixed weekly working time is at least 30 hours are included in the calculation of the gross monthly wage. 

Inpatient health care facilities include all institutions providing acute, follow-up, long-term, or psychiatric inpatient care classified under the Classification of Economic Activities (CZ-NACE) in group 86.1, based on their predominant economic activity. These primarily comprise hospitals, including specialized hospitals (e.g., psychiatric hospitals or maternity hospitals), but also include treatment centres, sanatoriums, rehabilitation institutes, and balneological treatment facilities. 

The data encompass information on the wages of physicians, nurses, and midwives employed in these facilities, even when they work exclusively in their outpatient departments. 

The Classification of Occupations (CZ-ISCO) was used to define selected groups of health professionals. 

  • Physician - ISCO 221
  • General nurse - ISCO 2221+3221 
  • Midwife - ISCO 2222+3222 
  • Paramedic - ISCO 3258 
  • Pharmacist - ISCO 2262 
  • Medical Technician and Laboratory Technician - ISCO 321 
  • Practical Nurse - ISCO 3256 
  • Rehabilitation professional - ISCO 3255 
  • Personal care worker in health and social care - ISCO 532 