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LFS analyses in News Releases


Number of Inactive Persons Willing to Work Declines Slower Than the Number of the Unemployed
Q4 2017

Did Czech Republic Reach Full Employment?
Q2 2017

Over one third of the young does not use their qualifications at work
Q1 2017


Number of working persons with higher educational attainments substantially up in all regions
Q4 2016

Education Level of Women Grows Fast
Q3 2016

High employment rate maintained by growing number of working persons of the elder age
Q2 2016

Number of Hours Worked in The Czech Republic Is One of The Highest in The Whole EU
Q1 2016


Just Small Portion of The Young Works in The Czech Republic
Q4 2015

Prague Measured to Have the Lowest Long-Term Unemployment Rate of All Regions in the EU28
Q3 2015

Share of the self-employed in total employment in the Czech Republic is one of the highest in the EU28
Q2 2015

Occupations Performed Do Not Often Match Educational Attainment and Work
Q1 2015


Average Age of Working Persons Increased by Almost Four Years over Twenty-Five-Year Period
Q4 2014

Employment in the Services Sector Has Increased by a Half Million Persons over Twenty Years
Q3 2014

Commuting from the Středočeský region has shown an important effect on total employment in Prague
Q2 2014

More than a Half of Working Persons Are Exposed to Hazards to Their Physical or Mental Health at Their Jobs
Q1 2014


Great Differences in the Extent of Work at Unsocial Hours among Occupations and Economic Activities
Q4 2013

Women Work Shifts as Frequent as Men
Q3 2013

Number of hours worked in the Czech Republic is one of the highest in the European Union
Q2 2013

Quarter of million of pensioners wanted to work
Q1 2013


Dependent children in almost one fifth of family households live with solely one parent
Q4 2012

Young Czechs work in industry more frequently than those in other EU member states
Q3 2012

217 million persons of the EU27 half billion population were working last year
Q2 2012

Health problems of the Czech Republic population of the productive age
Q1 2012


A quarter of a million pensioners is at work in the Czech Republic
Q4 2011

The employment and unemployment rates in the Czech Republic and in other Member States of the European Union according to results of the Labour Force Sample Survey in Q2 2011
Q3 2011

The number of households of persons living alone grows fast
Q2 2011

Harmonising work and family life
Q1 2011


Transitions on the labour market in between Q3 2009 and Q3 2010
Q4 2010

Pensioners and their activity on the labour market
Q3 2010

Changes in the structure of households focusing on families with small children and one-person households
Q2 2010

Working activity in the youngest and oldest productive age considerably influences the total rate of employment
Q1 2010


Development of the number of economically inactive population in the Czech Republic from 2006 to 2009
Q4 2009

The influence of the interregional commuting to work on the employment level in the regions of the Czech Republic
Q3 2009

Annual changes in hours worked
Q1 2009


Economic activity of the population in the fourth quarter of 2007
Q4 2007

Economic activity of the population in the third quarter of 2007
Q3 2007

Economic activity of the population in Q2 2007
Q2 2007

Economic activity of the population in Q1 2007
Q1 2007

LFS analyses in New Releases are published from 2004. The analyses from 2004 to 2006 are found on the www.czso.cz in Latest figures in News Releases - Employment and unemployment as measured by the LFS - Quarterly.