Intrastat - Contacts
Classification of goods according to the Customs Tariff (combine nomenclature) is performed by General Directorate of Customs in following link:
To obtain information on execution of INTRASTAT-CZ not included in the guide for INTRASTAT-CZ, do not hesitate to contact the following persons at the CZSO:
Name | Phone | E-mail |
Ms. Trakalová | +420 704 645 863 | |
Mr. Král | +420 731 439 342 | |
You can also use an e-mail box that was opened for the purposes of INTRASTAT-CZ for an unlimited period.
If you choose to contact us by e-mail, do not forget to mention your phone number, please, as it happens that it is often impossible to provide a precise and exhaustive answer without it. Queries including a phone number are processed first!