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Intrastat - Basic information

For data collection, you can use the INTRASTAT CZ electronic form or paper form. The paper form is here.

NOTICE: There is two electronic applications called InstatDesk or InstatOnline. You can find further information on the pages of  General Directorate of Customs
Information on electronic data collection, transmission of forms and their receipts, you can obtain from the Customs Authority in Olomouc on the following phone numbers: (420) 261 331 997, (420) 725 101 542.


The CZSO does not collect the forms; it is done by the Directorate General of Customs . If you have a technical question or a question regarding methodology of data collection, do not hesitate to use contacts at the Ministry of Finance – Directorate General of Customs.
Should you have questions about tax issues, use the website of the Financial Administration of the Czech Republic.
For conversion of the invoiced value use exchange rate for VAT.