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Inflation, Consumer Prices

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Overall consumer price level in May remains unchanged in comparison with April (month-on-month change 0.0%). This development came from moderate bilateral price movements in almost all divisions of consumer basket. The year-on-year growth of consumer prices amounted to 2.6% in May, which was 0.3 percentage points down on April.

Consumer price indices - inflation - May 2024

  • Inflation rate as an increase in CPI compared with the corresponding month of the preceding year characterizes the percentage change comparing the price level in the reference month of a given year with the corresponding month of the preceding year.

    Publication date: 11. 06. 2024

    May 2024


  • Inflation rate as an increase in CPI compared with preceding month indicates percentage change in price level between the reference month and preceding month.

    Publication date: 11. 06. 2024

    May 2024


  • Inflation rate as an increase in average annual CPI characterizes the percentage change of the average price level of latest twelve months against the average level of previous twelve months.

    Publication date: 11. 06. 2024

    May 2024


  • Average annual inflation rate – it is the value of the same indicator in December of the given year.

    Publication date: 11. 01. 2024



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