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Statistics methodology for consumer prices

I. Basic definition (monitored sector or statistical area)

Consumer price index ranks among the most important price development indicator in the system of price indices calculated in the Czech Republic. The index measures in a representative way and over time relative changes of final consumer prices of goods and services paid by the population (including all taxes). Besides national consumer price index, also harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) is calculated.

Consumer price statistics represents set of information of absolute consumer prices and price indices. Statistics are used for administrative and analytical purposes. Definition of statistics are based  mainly on relevant EU directives, general concepts of price statistics and national accounts.

II. Data source 

1. Statistical surveys

-          direct survey 1 - Monthly survey of goods and services average consumer prices

-          direct survey 2 – Monthly survey of food average consumer prices

-          Ceny E 2-52 – Weekly questionnaire about fuel consumer prices

-          Ceny E 2-12 – Questionnaire about fuel consumer prices

-          Ceny Nájem 1-12 – Monthly questionnaire about rentals paid for the flat

-          Ceny Ob 1-12 – Questionnaire about retail sales structure (scanner data)

-          Ceny TS 1-12 (po) – Monthly quetionnaire about market services prices

-          Price survey via internet

2. Administartive data sources, taken data

-          Administrative data sources of Energy Regulatory Office (ERÚ).

III. Creation of the basic and sample set, additions and estimates of the unsaved part of the set

Sample surveys

IV. Overview of basic published indicators

Price indices and average consumer prices of selected goods and services

V. Retrospective corrections, revisions, estimate refinemnet procedure

Price indices are final and are not subsequently revised

VI. Comparability

1. Comparability over time


2. Comparability with other outputs

Outputs are comparable within statistics coming from the same data sources

3. International comparability

Price indices are internationally comparble within EU.

VII. Seasonal adjusting

Seasonally adjusted month-on-month index is calculated for analytical purposes.

VIII. Data publishing

CZSO website:

News Releases



Public database 

Open data

EUROSTAT website(data)

Database by themes/Economy and finance/Prices/Harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP)

IX. Additional methodical information and external links

CPI Methodological manual

Additional methodological notes in Methodology section: