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Survey in Collective Accommodation Establishments (HUZ) - Methodology

Capacity and occupation of collective accommodation establishments 

Description of the survey

Data on capacities and occupation in collective accommodation establishments are based on a regular survey organized by the CZSO. It is based on the use of the Register of Accommodation Facilities, the results are used retrospectively to update it. The survey is divided into a monthly survey, which includes selected units (hotels) and a quarterly survey containing the remaining collective accommodation establishments. The data on occupation are a summary of the processed data for the submitted questionnaires and for the statistically calculated data of accommodation establishments from which the completed questionnaire was not obtained.

Until 2002 (including), collective accommodation establishments were included in the survey on the basis of a random 30% selection from the Register of Accommodation Establishments. A monthly reporting obligation for respondents was set and the results were published quarterly. Since 2003, all collective accommodation establishments have been included in the survey.

Data on the capacity of accommodation establishments were obtained from the annual statistical survey in collective accommodation establishments serving tourism to 2007. The survey covered all collective establishments on the basis of area sampling and reported state to 31 December or to the last day they offered accommodation in the given year. Until 2002 (including) the units reported the state to 31 July of that year. Since 2008 the sources of information are questionnaires on Guests at collective accommodation establishments.

Description of monitored indicators (definitions of terms)

Number of establishments - number of collective accommodation establishments (for definitions see Basic term). 

Number of rooms - the total number of rooms (apartments) used for tourism. Rooms for accommodation of staff, owners of facilities and rooms serving long-term accommodation for employees of other companies or students (longer than 1 year) are not included. 

Number of beds - the total number of beds reserved exclusively for guests. Only beds used for tourism are included and occasional beds (extra beds) are not included. 

Number of places for tents and caravans - number of places for tents, campers and caravans. The minimum average net area for a tent and a passenger car is 30 m2, for a caravan and camper is 60 m

Number of rooms for wheelchair users - requirements for wheelchair use constructions are laid down in the Decree of the Ministry of Regional Development Act no 398/2009 Sb on general technical requirements ensuring barrier-free use of buildings.

Number of guests (arrivals) - a guest in the accommodation facility is each person (excluding staff and owners of the accommodation facility who live in the accommodation facility) who has used the services of the facility for temporary accommodation, including children. The guest can use the services of the accommodation facility due to vacation, tour, spa care, business trip, training, course, congress, symposium, children's stay at school in nature, in summer and winter camps. In some recreational centres and training centres of enterprises (trade unions) a guest is every person which used the establishment for their temporary stay from the above mentioned reasons whether it concerns employees of the enterprise (e.g. members of the trade unions), their family members or persons foreign to the enterprise. 

Guests do not include persons who use the services of the accommodation facility for temporary accommodation for the purpose of employment or full-time study. In the case of Erasmus-type study (exchange) stays and work placements of up to one year, these stays are included in tourism.   

Examples of business trip vs accommodation for employment.

Business trip:

a)  The company sends its employee to several days of professional training. The employee is accommodated in a hotel and is provided with compensation for meals, travel expenses, accommodation = this is a business trip within the framework of tourism and such a guest will be reported by the hotel in survey.        

b)  The company sends its employees for long-term installation of technology for another company. The staff is accommodated in the pension for several months. Their main source of income is still the original employer (outside the place of accommodation) and not the company where they carry out the installation. In this case, it is also a business trip (within one year) within the tourism and the guest house will report these guests in the survey.        

Accommodation for employment:

c)   Entrepreneur (e.g. painter) get the contract for several weeks in another city, and to not have to commute every day, he accomodate in a local guesthouse. In this case, its main (even if temporary) source of income is the local source. This is no a business trip, but accommodation for the purpose of employment (earnings) and the boarding house will not count this self-employed person i survey.       

d)  Workers employed by a local company live in a hostel. The source of their income is in the place of accommodation and they use the hostel as a replacement for renting a private apartment. This is accommodation for the purpose of employment, which does not fall within tourism, and the hostel cannot list such workers on tourism survey.

Number of overnight stays - total number of overnight stays (nights spent) of guests staying in accommodation establishments in the monitored period. 

Net use of beds (ČVL) - is calculated as the number of overnight stays in surveyed period divided by multiplication of average number of beds in offer and the number of operating days. Counted value is stated as a percentage (i.e. multiplied by 100).

Use of rooms (VP) - s calculated as the number of room-days (i.e. the number of occupied rooms in particular day of surveyed period) divided by multiplication of average number of rooms in offer and the number of operating days. Counted value is stated as a percentage (i.e. multiplied by 100).

Occupancy in spa accommodation establishments present number of guests and overnight stays in spa accommodation establishments, regardless the way of payment and the complexness of the treatment, etc.  Spa accommodation establishment provides spa treatment or rehabilitation care and is located in municipality with the spa status according to the Law no. 164 / 2001 Sb. (Spa Act), as amended.

The number of congresses / conferences and the number of participants in these events is determined by reports at collective accommodation establishments. The data are a summary of data for processed questionnaires. Since 2009, the number of establishments includes all collective accommodation establishments which, during the observed period, reported at least one event with 50 or more participants. Until 2008, it was all facilities that showed at least one event with more than 100 participants. A congress / conference is considered to be a formal meeting of a larger number of people of a certain professional focus, the subject of which are presentations, lectures, discussions and consultations. It can be a congress of scientists, an assembly of diplomatic representatives of individual states, etc. A typical feature of the congress / conference is the accompanying program (it is usually associated with excursions, cultural and social program and gastronomic events).

Additional information to basic concepts 

The apartment is a special type of room and in accordance with international and methodological guidelines of tourism statistics is counted as 1 unit (room), regardless of the number of rooms (bedrooms) of which it consists. It also has a kitchen, private bathroom and toilet. Cottages, chalets, huts, bungalows and villas are treated in the same way as apartments, i.e. they are counted as 1 accommodation unit (room). An exception is the situation where individual rooms can be rented separately to different guests or their groups at one time. The rooms therefore have their own lockable entrances.

College dormitories, youth homes. If these accommodation establishments allocate part of their capacity (seasonally or year-round) for short-term accommodation of tourists, they only report the numbers of these tourists / guests. Accommodation of students for the purpose of full-time study is not reported, it is not understood as tourism, see the basic concepts above.

University dormitories and youth homes are generally included in category 11 (other collective accommodation establishments). If the accommodation facility can divide its capacity into two parts - rooms / units used exclusively for short-term tourist stays and further into rooms / units that serve students during the school / academic year and then become tourist accommodation during the holidays, should be registered twice (twice pagina) in different categories. In this exceptional case, it will report for both of its parts separately: firstly tourists / guests in a suitably selected category corresponding to the standards of this accommodation and secondly seasonally in category i 11, i.e. only for capacities that change to tourist accommodation during holidays. Student stays are not reported during the school year, only tourist holidays.       

Tourist hostels. Operators of tourist hostels report to the CZSO only tourists / guests accommodated for tourist or business purposes. In no case is long-term accommodation for the purpose of employment reported. Examples from practice are listed above.  

Structure of outputs (breakdown of indicators)

  • by category of accommodation establishments - further divided into: 01 hotels *****, 02 hotels ****, 03 hotels ***, 04 hotels **, 05 hotels *, 06 hotels garni, 07 pensions, 08 camps , 09 cottage settlements, 10 tourist hostels and 11 other collective accommodation establishments not elsewhere specified (or various aggregations)    
  • by region (NUTS 3)      
  • according to certified DMO destination management organizations      
  • by residents and non - residents       
  • according to the permanent residence of the guest (nationality)     

Dates of publication of results

Quarterly periodicity (within 3 months after the end of the reference period)

  • Attendance in collective accommodation establishments (News Releases, Public Database)    
  • Conferences in collective accommodation establishments (Public Database)     

Annual frequency (within 3 months after the end of the reference period)

  • Capacities of collective accommodation establishments (Public database)     

Retrospective corrections and revisions

Regular data revisions take place for data on occupancy in collective accommodation establishments due to additionally obtained questionnaires received after the due date. Preliminary data may be revised in the following period during the processing of the given year. Definitive data are available only after processing the results for the whole year (all months of the observed year), usually in March of the following year. Capacity data on an annual basis are not normally revised retrospectively. 

Protection of confidential data

For reasons of protection of individual data, not all data are listed for some tables (indicated by the letters i. d.), or the data are not broken down in more detail. This is the so-called primary confidential data. More information on the security of statistical information can be found here.