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Food consumption

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Food consumption in 2023 reached 788 kg per capita. The decrease in consumption was recorded for cereals in terms of flour (-4.5 kg), for meat in terms of carcass weight equivalent (-0.5 kg), for drinking milk (-1.6 kg), for cheese (-0.5 kg), for fruit (-2.2 kg), for vegetables (-0.3 kg), for potatoes (-1.1 kg), for rice (-0.9 kg) and for sugar (-3.1 kg). The consumption of pasta (+0.5 kg), bread (+0.6 kg), wheat bakery products (+0.2 kg) and eggs (+3 pieces) increased.

  • Cereal consumption in value of flour (per capita per year)

    Publication date: 29. 11. 2024


    109.5 kg

  • Meat consumption in value per bone (per capita per year)

    Publication date: 29. 11. 2024


    82.4 kg

  • Fruit consumption in fresh value (per capita per year)

    Publication date: 29. 11. 2024


    85.2 kg

  • Consumption of fresh vegetables and potatoes (per capita per year)

    Publication date: 29. 11. 2024


    87.2 kg

Data and time series

Public databaseAll data CZSO online

Consumption of selected kinds of food and beverages per capita per year in the Czech Republic

Bread (kg)39.739.239.339.038.239.839.139.7
Wheat bakery products (kg)50.150.451.351.751.352.453.954.1
Pigmeat (kg)42.842.343.243.043.444.643.941.8
Beef (kg)
Poultrymeat (kg)26.827.328.429.029.829.928.129.2
Drinking milk (litres)58.659.558.057.157.656.757.856.2
Cheese (kg)13.313.213.413.814.314.413.813.3
Eggs (pcs)249254263261249263234237
Fats and oils (kg)
Fruit in terms of fresh (kg)
Vegetables in terms of fresh (kg)87.388.
Potatoes (kg)69.168.567.769.565.
Sugar (kg)34.134.934.835.035.736.336.933.8
Mineral waters and non-alcolic beverages (litres)247.8241.9251.5246.8238.2236.6230.5223.8
Beer (litres)146.9144.3145.2146.0139.9135.4142.9133.2




Catalogue of products
