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Stanislava Hronová
Prof., Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business
Prague, Czechia

Editorial Board

Dominik Rozkrut
President, Statistics Poland
Warsaw, Poland
Áron Kincses
President, Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Budapest, Hungary
Peter Peťko
Former President, Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
Bratislava, Slovakia

Marie Bohatá
Former President of the Czech Statistical Office
Prague, Czechia

Richard Hindls
Deputy chairman of the Czech Statistical Council
Prof., Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business
Prague, Czechia

Gejza Dohnal
Prof., Czech Technical University in Prague
Prague, Czechia

Štěpán Jurajda
CERGE-EI, Charles University in Prague
Prague, Czechia

Jan Kubíček
Board Member, Czech National Bank
Prague, Czechia

Bedřich Moldan
Prof., Charles University Environment Centre
Prague, Czechia

Jana Jurečková
Prof., Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Charles University in Prague
Prague, Czechia

Jaromír Antoch
Prof., Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Charles University in Prague
Prague, Czechia

Martin Mandel
Prof., Department of Monetary Theory and Policy, Prague University of Economics and Business
Prague, Czechia

Pavel Procházka
Head of Macroeconomic Analyses Unit, Economic Policy Department
Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czechia

Martin Hronza
Director of the Economic Analysis Department
Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czechia

Petr Staněk
Executive Director, Statistics and Data Support Department, Czech National Bank
Prague, Czechia
Iveta Stankovičová
President, Slovak Statistical and Demographic Society
Bratislava, Slovakia
Erik Šoltés
Prof., Dean of the Faculty of Economic Statistics, University of Economics in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia

Milan Terek
Prof., School of Management
Bratislava, Slovakia

Joanna Dębicka
Prof., Head of the Department of Statistics, Wroclaw University of Economics
Wroclaw, Poland
Walenty Ostasiewicz
Prof., Department of Statistics, Wroclaw University of Economics
Wroclaw, Poland
Francesca Greselin
Prof., Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods, Milano Bicocca University
Milan, Italy

Sanjiv Mahajan
Head, Methods and Research Engagement, National Accounts
Office for National Statistics, Wales, United Kingdom

Besa Shahini
Prof., Department of Statistics and Applied Informatics, University of Tirana
Tirana, Albania

Claudiu Cicea
Prof., Management Department, Bucharest University of Economic Studies 
Bucharest, Romania

Executive Board

Stanislava Hronová
Prof., Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business
Prague, Czechia
Marek Rojíček
President, Czech Statistical Office
Prague, Czechia
Jakub Fischer
Prof., Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business
Prague, Czechia
Luboš Marek
Prof., Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business
Prague, Czechia

Hana Řezanková
Prof., Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business
Prague, Czechia

Managing Editor

Jiří Novotný
Czech Statistical Office
Prague, Czechia