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Guide for Authors and Paper Submission



Editorial and Executive Boards
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Guide for Authors and Paper Submission
Thematic Focus of Articles and the Review Process

Online Version

Subscription Details

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Guide for Authors

The submission language is English only. Authors are expected to refer to a native language speaker in case they are not sure of language quality of their papers.

Recommended paper structure
Authors and contacts
Abstract (max. 160 words)
Keywords (max. 6 words / phrases)
JEL code (
1 Literature survey
2 Methods
3 Results
4 Discussion
(Annex / Appendix)
Tables and figures

Tables and figures placed in the Annex (Appendix) we distinguish with the initial capital A (Table A1, Figure A1, etc.). For the review proces please place tables and figures in the text. In final papers for print please place them at the end (figures extra in Excel with data sources).

Authors and contacts
Rudolf Novak,1 Institution Name, City, Country
Jonathan Davis, Institution Name, City, Country
1 Affiliation, address. Corresponding author: e-mail:, phone: (+420)111222333. ORCID (URL).

References in the text
Place references in the text enclosing authors’ names and year of the reference, e.g. „…White (2009) points out that…”, „…recent literature (Atkinson and Black, 2010a, 2010b, 2011; Chase et al., 2011: 12–14) conclude…”. Note the use of alphabetical order. Between the names of two authors please insert „and”, for more authors we recommend to put „et al.”. Include page numbers if appropriate.

List of references
Arrange list of references alphabetically. Use the following reference styles:

HICKS, J. (1939). Value and Capital: An Inquiry into Some Fundamental Principles of Economic Theory. 1st Ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

[chapter in an edited book]
DASGUPTA, P. et al. (1999). Intergenerational Equity, Social Discount Rates and Global Warming. In: PORTNEY, P., WEYANT, J. (eds.) Discounting and Intergenerational Equity, Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future.

[on-line source]
CZECH COAL. (2008). Annual Report and Financial Statement 2007 [online]. Prague: Czech Coal. [cit. 20.9.2008]. <>.

[article in a journal]
HRONOVÁ, S., HINDLS, R., ČABLA, A. (2011). Conjunctural Evolution of the Czech Economy. Statistika: Statistics and Economy Journal, 91(3): 4–17.

[article in a journal with DOI]
STEWART, M. B. (2004). The Employment Effects of the National Minimum Wage [online]. The Economic Journal, 114(494): 110–116. <>.

Please add DOI numbers to all articles where appropriate (prescribed format = link, see above).

Tables and numbers
Provide each table on a separate page. Indicate position of the table by placing in the text “insert Table 1 about hereNumber tables in order of their appearance in the text: Table 1, Table 2, etc. Each table should be titled (e.g. Table 1 Self-explanatory title). Refer to tables using their numbers (e.g. see Table 1, Table A1 in the Annex). Try to break one large table into several smaller tables, whenever possible. Specify data sources below all tables.
Separate thousands with a space (e.g. 1 528 000) and decimal points with a dot (e.g. 1.0).

Figures and pictures
Figure is any graphical object other than table. Attach each figure as a separate file. Indicate position of the figure by placing in the text “insert Figure 1 about hereNumber figures in order of their appearance in the text: Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Each figure should be titled (e.g. Figure 1 Self-explanatory title). Refer to figures by using their numbers (e.g. see Figure 1, Figure A1 in the Annex).
Figures should be prepared for black and white print accompanied by the *.xls, *.xlsx table with their data sources (MS Excel). Specify sources below all figures.

Please provide cartograms in the vector format. Other graphic objects should also be prepared for black and white print and provided in *.tif, *.jpg, *.eps formats. Do not supply low-resolution files optimized for the screen use.

Paper submission
Please email your papers in *.doc, *.docx or *.pdf formats to All papers are subject to double-blind peer review procedure. Articles for the review process are accepted continuously and may contain tables and figures plased in the text (for final graphical typesetting shall be supplied separately as specified in the instructions above). You will be kept informed by our Managing Editor about all necessary details and terms.
Authors are required to read our Publication Ethics rules (i.e. Authors responsibilities) and respect them.

Feel free to contact us.