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Statistics of industrial goods and services (PRODCOM) - Methodology

Statistics of industrial goods and services is a very important part of industrial statistics. This statistics, also called „Prodcom“ ("PRODuction COMmunautaire" - Community Production) provides data on structure of industrial production (actual production and sold production) of industrial enterprises and exceptionally non-industrial enterprises with a significant share of industrial activity or producing special products. This structure is broken down by the CZ-PRODCOM list of industrial goods and services (Czech version of the European classification PRODCOM), which is closely connected with the nomenclature HSCN. Statistics of industrial goods and services is the only source of information on the structure of industrial production which is relatively independent of organizational, ownership or production-process. It provides high-quality, detailed picture of industrial production in the Czech Republic.

Some of the surveyed indicators are used as a source of information for annual structural business statistics (SBS), macroeconomic statistics, i. e. National Accounts and calculation of GNP and GDP and external trade statistics. There is also an important link between statistics of production and price statistics. Analysing the linkages between these statistics contributes to the quality of the data and leads to better classification of enterprises by their principal activity.

Statistics of production of industrial goods and services represented by the questionnaire Prům 2-01 and its structured content, linkages to other questionnaires and relations to other statistics, represents a rich source of information and a „backbone“ of industrial statistics.

Changes since 2022

Following the new European legislation for statistics of industrial products and services (Prodcom statistics), this publication was changed, improved and expanded. The basis of the publication Production of selected products in industry but remained unchanged. However, the structure of tables was changed, as well as the specific content of the published indicators.

The publication contains of three parts: Part A contains the volume and value of production for the last reference period according to the list of products valid for the reference year. Part B shows three-year time series of selected indicators. Part C shows the longer-term time series of production of selected comparable aggregates.

The main change lies in the consistent inclusion of production under sub-contracted operations into the presented volumes/values. This specific supplier-customer mode of production of industrial products has been gaining importance worldwide in recent years, and an increasingly significant volume of industrial production is realized in it.

The main indicators of Prodcom statistics that are presented in the publication are the volume of actual production and volume and value of production sold. Actual production represents all production that was produced by the enterprise during the reference period, regardless of whether it was sold, stored in stocks, used for further processing or it was production under sub-contracted operations. Production sold is the production that was sold (invoiced) by the enterprise during the reference period. It does not matter whether this production was actually produced during the reference period. Production sold is presented in CZK thousands and for selected products and services also in prescribed measurement unit. Production sold is published as total with its individual components: own production, production of industrial services and production under sub-contracted operations.

The new definition of indicators in combination with the level of detail and the need to protect statistically confidential data led in some cases to year-on-year data incomparability or interruption of time series. These cases are marked with a note.

I. Basic definition of activities classified as industry

Within the CZ-NACE classification, activities under the sections B (Mining and quarrying), C (Manufacturing), D (Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply) and E (Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities) are considered to be industrial activities.

The CZ-PRODCOM List is the national version of european list of industrial products and services PRODCOM. The CZ-PRODCOM List is more detailed in decomposition of divisions 05 to 39 of CZ-CPA classification of products. The list updated following PRODCOM, previously annually, since 2016 once every two or three years.

II. Data source

The data source for annual statistics of industrial goods and services is survey „Prům 2-01“ Annual questionnaire in industry. Specimens of statistical forms are available at (Czech only).

III. Statistical population

Reporting enterprises are taken from the Statistical Business Register on the basis of their principal (prevailing) economic activity and their size (number of employees or turnover). „Prům 2-01“ is an exhaustive survey. In general, the contents and purpose of statistical surveys, set of reporting units, type of statistical survey, periodicity and deadlines for data provision are regulated by the decree on the programme of statistical surveys for a given calendar year.

IV. Key indicators published

The volume of actual production represents the volume (expressed in a prescribed measurement unit) of all production that was produced by the enterprise during the reference period, regardless of whether it was sold, stored in stocks, used for further processing or it was production under sub-contracted operations.

Production sold is the production that was sold (invoiced) by the enterprise during the reference period. It does not matter whether this production was actually produced during the reference period (it could have been, for example, the sale of stock). It includes the production of own industrial products, industrial services, as well as production under sub-contracted operations. Production sold is presented in CZK thousands (value of production sold) and for selected products and services also in prescribed measurement unit (volume of production sold).

Own production represents "traditional" industrial production. The enterprise is the owner of the input material, really produces the final product and sells it to the customer. Own production sold is presented in CZK thousands (value of own production sold) and for selected products also in prescribed measurement unit (volume of own production sold).

Industrial service is an industrial production that does not create a new finished product defined in CZ-PRODCOM. These are only services leading to complete final products and ensuring its function: repairs and maintenance, installation and assembly, modifications and others. Production of industrial services is presented in CZK thousands (value of industrial services production) and for selected industrial services also in prescribed measurement unit (volume of industrial services production).

Production under sub-contracted operations is a specific supplier-customer relationship, where the production company (processor) is not the owner of the input material or the completed finished product, but really produces it with its own employees and its own means of production. Value of the this production is equal to service provided, fee paid for the service, not to the value of the finished product. Production produced under sub-contracted operations is presented in CZK thousands (value of production under sub-contracted operations) and for selected products also in prescribed measurement units (volume of production under sub-contracted operations).

Production is valued at basic current prices, which are invoiced by the manufacturer to the customer or forwarded to its own sales network. These prices do not include VAT, excise duty and customs duty; include a subsidy for the production or the service.

V. Retroactive corrections, revisions

Data revisions and retroactive corrections are governed by the revision calendar, which results from the CZSO revision policy. In the case of statistics of industrial goods and services, preliminary data are transmitted in T+6 months to Eurostat. In T+11 months updated data are published. In the year Y+2y the first revision is published (it contains data corrections based on the next year data collection), this 1st revision data are considered to be definitive and published with the Y+1y data. Due to the nature of the data, in which  could be higher rate of misclassification, extraordinary revisions outside the revision calendar are permissible.

VI. International comparability

Statistics of industrial goods and services in the European Union are provided by the REGULATION (EU) 2019/2152 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics. All the published indicators comply with the above regulations.

VII. Methodological comparability with other surveys

Indicators of the industrial goods and services statistics are comparable to specific indicators of short-term industrial statistics and annual structural business statistics, but they differ in published breakdown (product vs activity approach) and statistical population.

Comparability with the external trade statistics (Intra+Extrastat, export of industrial services) allows to assess the accuracy of the classification of exported industrial products and industrial services and material connection between the data reported in external trade statistics and industrial statistics.

IX. Types of released data

Annual statistics of industrial goods and services results are published:
1) e-publication Production of Selected Industrial Products (link to Catalogue of Products)
2) sent to Eurostat – Prodcom – Statistics by Products
3) in other documents on the Internet

X. Additional methodological information and external links

CZ-PRODCOM List (Czech only)
Eurostat: Metadata
Eurostat: Prodcom – Statistics by Product (legislation, EU data)


Contact: Veronika Doležalová, tel.: (+420) 274054286, e-mail: