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Other Authorities of the State Statistical Service of the Czech Republic

State Statistical Service Authorities participate in the creation of statistics at the national level (according to the Act No 89/1995 Sb on the State Statistical Service). The production of statistics at the international level (according to the Regulation No 223/2009 on European Statistics) is ensured by so-called Other National Authorities (ONAs). The Authorities of the State Statistical Service are usually also ONAs institutions.

The ONAs are other national authorities responsible for the development, production and dissemination of European statistics, which are determined in the European statistical programme. According to the Article 4 of the Regulation on European Statistics, they form the European Statistical System together with Eurostat and National Statistical Institutes. The basic criteria that ONA must meet are as follows:

  • participates in the production of European statistics defined by the catalogue of statistical products,
  • exercises public authority based on national law,
  • has production of statistics included among its tasks in the respective basic act,
  • has formally been given the responsibility at national level for the production of a specific part of European statistics (with a clear link to sectoral legislation, the European statistical programme, catalogue of statistical products etc.),
  • the “statistical head” of ONA shall have professional independence as well as the head of the National Statistical Institute,
  • regularly transmits European statistics to Eurostat, with the consent of the National Statistical Institute (alternatively, the National Statistical Institute transmits the data to Eurostat in an unchanged form on its behalf).