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List of ONAs (Other National Authorities)

Ministry of Transport
Ing. Luděk Sosna, Ph.D.
Director of the Strategy Department
Nábřeží L. Svobody 1222/12
110 15 Praha 1

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Ing. Aleš Král
Head of Policy, Income Analysis and Statistics Unit
Na Poříčním právu 1/376
128 01 Praha 2

Ministry of Industry and Trade
Ing. Martin Hronza
Director of the Department of Economic Analyses
Na Františku 32
110 15 Praha 1

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Ing. Václav Jelen
Director General for Informatics, Statistics and Analyses
Karmelitská 529/5
118 12 Praha 1

Ministry of the Interior
Ing. Vilibald Knob
Director General of the Economy and Operations Section
Náměstí hrdinů 1634/3
P.O.BOX 155
140 21 Praha 4

Ministry of Agriculture
Ing. Lukáš Najman
Director of the Accounting and Statistics Department
Těšnov 17
117 05 Praha 1

Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic
prof. RNDr. Ladislav Dušek, Ph.D.
Director of the Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic
Ústav zdravotnických informací a statistiky ČR
Palackého nám. 375/4
128 01 Praha 2

Customs Administration of the Czech Republic
Ing. Tomáš Moudrý
Budějovická 7
140 00 Praha 4