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Note to consumer prices of energy - October 2022

From October 2022, the so-called Saving tariff was introduced for households purchasing electricity, and at the same time the fee for supported energy sources (POZE) was waived.

Saving tariff – subsidy for the payment of energy costs for household customers – was introduced by government decree (No. 262/2022 Coll. of August 24, 2022) for the months of October to December 2022. The amount of the contribution was determined by the distribution rate negotiated at the take-off points of household customers, where the contribution was taken into account. The total amount allocated to this "tariff" was published in the press release of the Ministry of Finance ("Implementation of the state budget of the Czech Republic for October 2022", dated November 1, 2022).

Fee for supported energy sources (POZE) – was waived from October 2022 to December 2023 Price Decision of the Energy Regulatory Office No. 8/2022 of September 2, 2022 was released for October to December 2022.

The definition of consumer price for the national consumer price index (CPI) is usually understood in the same way as its definition in the (European) harmonized index (HICP). It is the actual price that the consumer is contractually obligated to pay in the given reference period for the product he is purchasing, including all taxes related to this product.

On the other hand, government subsidies are deducted from this price, which are conditional on the purchase of this product. This applies even if the consumer pays the full price and receives the subsidy additionally or ahead of time. For the timing of entry into the consumer price index, what is important is what the binding price was given for the given period, not the specific moment of payment (or its distribution over time into the payment of advances and additional payments).

The time-limited POZE exemption and the Savings tariff are understood as two parts of one government measure serving as a state subsidy to households for the purchase of electricity for the months of October 2022 to December 2023.

For the specific calculation of the effect of this measure on the consumer price index, the Savings tariff is understood as a part of this subsidy valid for the months of October 2022 to December 2022, therefore the total amount of this component of the subsidy was divided equally into three equal parts for each of these three months.

The impact of the inclusion of the "Saving tariff" in the consumer price index corresponds to the difference between the total electricity expenditure of households in the prices of the given reference period (e.g. October 2022) and the same expenditure reduced by the state compensation for this reference period. Due to the definition of CPI/HICP as a Laspeyres index, constant electricity consumption is theoretically assumed in each of these months (and is derived from the current relative weights of CPI).

The impact of the inclusion of the Savings tariff is calculated once on the set of all households, not on the individual detailed tariff prices, from which the price index is aggregated. It will be reflected in a corresponding drop in the price index for electricity for October 2022.

The waiver of POZE (fee for supported energy sources) in the amount of CZK 599/MWh for the months of October 2022 to December 2023 will be reflected in the calculation by a corresponding drop in the price index for October 2022. Impact of the Savings tariff and waiver of POZE adds up.

Without including the above-mentioned measures (Saving tariff and waiver of POZE) in the calculation, the aggregate consumer price index would have reached a value 101.6% month-on-month (instead of 98.6%), of which 100.8% for electricity (instead of 46.1%). Analogously, the year-on-year index for the total would reach a value 118.6% (instead of 115.1%), including electricity 135.2% (instead of 61.8%).