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Note to consumer prices of energy - January 2023

For period October 2022 – December 2022, the so-called Saving tariff was introduced for households purchasing electricity.

For period October 2022 – December 2023, the fee for supported energy sources (POZE) was waived.

For period January – December 2023, energy price ceiling was implemented.

Saving tariff – subsidy for the payment of energy costs for household customers – was introduced by government decree (No. 262/2022 Coll. of August 24, 2022) for the months of October to December 2022. The amount of the contribution was determined by the distribution rate negotiated at the take-off points of household customers, where the contribution was taken into account. The total amount allocated to this "tariff" was published in the press release of the Ministry of Finance ("Implementation of the state budget of the Czech Republic for October 2022", dated November 1, 2022).

Fee for supported energy sources (POZE) – was waived from October 2022 to December 2023. Price Decision of the Energy Regulatory Office No. 8/2022 of September 2, 2022 was released for October to December 2022, Price Decision of the Energy Regulatory Office No. 13/2022 of November 14, 2022 for January to December 2023.

Energy price ceilings – for period January – December 2023 by government decree (No. 298/2022 Coll. of October 5, 2022). The relevant energy indices continue to be calculated using the same methodology. However, from January 2023 administratively influenced prices (price ceilings) are included in the calculation.

Consumer price index without including influence of Saving tariff for households and POZE waiver would have in January reached a value 103.4% month-on-month (instead of 106.0%), of which for electricity 121.3% (instead of 239.8%). It would reach a value 118.1% year-on-year (instead of 117.5%), of which for electricity 146.9% (instead of 136.4%).

Detailed methodology explanation of the inclusion of Saving tariff and POZE waiver in a calculation of consumer price index was published together with News release for October 2022.