Multicriteria Evaluation of Randomized Response Techniques for Population Mean
Ondřej Vozár, Luboš Marek
Statistika, 103(4): 492–503
Increasing demand in surveys focused on quantitative characteristics (population mean among others) of controversial issues like corruption, tax evasion, drugs consumption of sensitive variables like spending on drugs or illegal sources of income which lead to lively research, are of randomized response techniques for quantitative variables. Therefore, we propose complex multicriteria evaluation methodology for randomized response techniques for population mean. Based on extensive review in the literature, following ranges of criteria were proposed: statistical properties of estimator, implementation and parameter choice, respondent burden and credibility and confidentiality protection of respondents’ data. Finally, we evaluate in this setting standard techniques using scramble variables and recently proposed techniques of dichotomous question.
Randomized response techniques, scramble variable, multicriteria evaluation, survey sampling, Horvitz-Thompson estimator, population mean