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Economy of Financial Institutions

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These pages provide economic results for the period 2018-2022 for banking and non-banking monetary institutions accounted for as banks and other financial institutions supervised by the Czech National Bank (CNB), as well as financial institutions accounted for as entrepreneurs not subject to CNB supervision, insurance companies and pension companies. The contents include basic data on employees and wages and salaries, selected types of income and expenses, tangible and intangible fixed assets, selected items of assets and liabilities and other supplementary indicators. The data sources for the published tables are the annual statistical returns Poj 5-01 (Annual return for insurance enterprises), Pen 5-01 (Annual return for financial institutions) and P 5-01 (Annual return of economic agents in selected production sectors).

Data and time series

Public databaseAll data CZSO online

Selected indicators for financial institutions 

Period: 2022
Territory: Czech Republic

 Number of active businessesAssets, totalFinancial assetsAverage gross wage per employee
Banking monetary institutions4611 985 87611 910 86770 401
Non-banking monetary institutions they keep books in accordance with the chart of accounts for bank359895 755833 84579 272
Non-banking monetary institutions they keep books in accordance with the chart of accounts for entrepreneurs4 7612 742 3402 611 83153 069
Financial leasing companies79310 242221 31269 182
Investment companies and funds286800 346744 76491 835
Insurance companies43493 679485 62862 059
Pension Companies and Funds9609 745607 65553 824




Catalogue of products
