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Statistical definitions of finance and insurance

I. Basic definition (coverage – sector, area)

It contains selected economic data on banking and non-banking monetary institutions accounting as banks and other financial institutions, supervised by the Czech National Bank (CNB), and on financial institutions accounting as entrepreneurs that are not subject to CNB supervision.

The publication also includes the economic results of insurance companies, reinsurance companies and pension companies.

II. Data source

1. Statistical surveys

The source of data for the published tables are the annual statistical reports PEN 5-01 (Annual report of financial institutions), P 5-01 (Annual report of economic entities of selected production sectors) and POJ 5a-01 (Annual report of insurance companies and reinsurance companies).

Business entities registered in the commercial register with the predominant activity of insurance and reinsurance (specifically according to the classification of economic activities CZ-NACE 65.11, 65.12 or 65.20) are required to report POJ 5a-01, regardless of the number of employees.

Business entities registered in the commercial register with the predominant activity of pension financing (specifically according to the classification of economic activities CZ-NACE 66.30) are required to report on the PEN 5-01 report, regardless of the number of employees.

2. Administrative data sources, collected  data

Administrative data sources are not included.

III. Delineation of statistical population and sample, grossing up and estimation of the non-treated part of the population (if relevant)

As part of the annual statistical survey PEN 5-01, we apply the addition method.

IV. Overview of main published indicators 

The content includes information on the economic entity, the number of employees and wages, revenues, costs, liabilities, financial assets by types and institutional sectors, summary indicators of assets, additional indicators, long-term intangible and tangible assets including land, selected indicators on the acquisition of assets by territory and selected indicators of pension companies by territory.

V. Data revision policy - corrections, revisions, refinement procedure of estimations

The data is not revised.

VI. Comparability

1. Comparability over time

The data is published in a time series of 3 years.

2. Comparability with other outputs

Published data are not compared with other outputs.

3. International comparability  

The published data are not compared internationally.

VII. Seasonal Adjustment (if relevant)

Published data are adjusted for extremes.

VIII. Dissemination (description of the publication system, references to Eurostat outputs or national outputs may be provided)

IX. Additional methodological information and external references


Decree No. 501/2002 Coll., as amended

Decree No. 502/2002 Coll., as amended

The data is used to fulfil the obligation arising from Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics and the repeal of ten legal acts in the field of business statistics, as amended, Article 1 and Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No. 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union, as amended, for the assessment of the state and development of basic macroeconomic indicators, the compilation of national accounts for the sector of financial institutions, for analytical purposes, for the needs of the European Union and international organizations, in particular Eurostat, the European Central Bank, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and for informing the public.