Survey of Domestic and Outbound Tourism (VŠCR) - Methodology
Description of the survey - Domestic and outbound tourism
The source of data on domestic and outbound tourism of residents of the Czech Republic is the Tourism Sample Survey (VŠCR). The survey is conducted four times a year in a randomly selected sample of households. Respondents are asked about the trips they took during the reference period.
The survey covers all persons usually living in private households. The survey does not cover persons living in collective accommodation establishments for a long time. Data on private trips (for the purpose of spending free time, recreation, improving health, visiting relatives or friends) and on business trips are collected. To tourism are included trips to places just outside the respondent's usual environment (outside the respondent's permanent or temporary residence, workplace, school, etc.). In accordance with the international methodology, only those trips whose duration did not exceed 12 months are counted in tourism.
The selection of dwellings takes into account the number of inhabitants of districts and regions. The support for the selection of dwellings is the register of census districts and this selection is in two levels. The unit of selection of the first level is the census circuit, in the second level a simple random selection of dwellings in the census circuits is performed. Selected flats are then visited by a specially trained interviewer, a CZSO employee. Since 2009, data on travel habits have been collected from all household members. Until 2008 (inclusive), the interviewers asked about only one randomly selected member of the household from among those household members aged 15+.
The results of the sample survey are recalculated for the whole population using weighting coefficients. The weighting is done by territory, sex and age groups. Population data are taken from the preliminary results of demographic statistics on the number of inhabitants at the beginning of the relevant year. This estimation si further specified by a prediction of natural increase/decrease and migration balance for the relevant quarters of the year.
Description of monitored indicators (definitions of terms)
Domestic tourism represents trips and stays of residents in the domestic environment (here in the Czech Republic) outside their usual environment.
Outbound tourism is the travel and stays of residents abroad.
To allow to be travel / holidays included in tourism must be implemented outside the usual environment.
The usual environment can be defined based on the following four criteria. In order to be a tourism activity, all criteria must be met at the same time.
- Geographical criterion
The usual environment is considered to be the municipality of the respondent's usual residence, the place of work (within the employment relationship, not during a business trip) or full-time study and another frequently visited place. The size of the municipality of usual residence is not distinguished. This criterion therefore applies both to the inhabitants of a small village, and residents of Prague the same way.
- Time criterion
The period of visit / stay must last more than 3 hours and less than one 1 year (continuous stay outside the usual environment). The upper limit of a day trip is less than 24 hours.
- The frequency of visits to a given place is a maximum of 4 times in the surveyed monthly period
This criterion aims to exclude visits from tourism that are frequently repeated and therefore belong to activities within the normal life routine or, rather than to tourism, to activities related to maintaining the standard of everyday life (e.g. regular shopping in a supermarket or a daily visit of sick parents in another city).
- The purpose of the visit / stay is not only related to maintaining a normal life
In order not to overestimate tourism, one-day domestic trips with a frequency less than 5 times a month, the sole purpose of which was to purchase, are excluded from tourism. This criterion also excludes travel for work (e.g. a longer stay of construction workers in a certain place).
Long trip is a private trip in which a person has spent the night at least four times in a row outside their usual environment.
Short trip is a private trip in which a person has spent the night at least once and at most three times in a row outside his / her usual environment (including weekend stays).
Business trip is defined in the Basic Terms section here.
Number of trips - the total number of trips made outside the usual environment.
Average number of overnight stays - the average number of overnight stays per trip.
Average expenses per trip - average expenses in CZK per trip.
Average expenses for 1 day - average expenses in CZK per day of travel.
Data are published for persons aged 15+.
Structure of outputs (division of indicators)
Longer trips
- in the Czech Republic and abroad
- by gender - by main purpose
- by type of accommodation
- by (main) mode of transport
- by the way of organizing the trip
- by length of the trip
Shorter trips
- in the Czech Republic and abroad
- by gender - by main purpose
- by type of accommodation
- by (main) mode of transport
- by the way of organizing the trip
Business trip
- in the Czech Republic and abroad
- by gender - by type of accommodation
- by length of the trip
Dates of publishing results
The results are published 3 months (or quarter) after the end of the reference quarter (T+3M).