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World Statistics Day 2015

Tuesday 20 October 2015 was announced by the UN General Assembly the World Statistics Day with a motto of:  Better data. Better lives.” The World Statistics Day will take place regularly every five years.

Official website of the World Statistics Day


Events prepared by the CZSO

  • Press conference: Children's names
    Top first names of children born in January 2014 and in January 2015, including data for regions.
  • Open day in the Library at the CZSO headquarters in Prague
  • On Tuesday 20 October, you can see the most interesting archive publications from the library stock in the Library at the CZSO headquarters. The visitors will receive a DVD with CZSO publications (Statistical Yearbook of the CR, Energy Statistics Historical Yearbook, analyses from the Population and Housing Census, and others).
  • Exhibition: “A Story of Statistics” in the premises of the CZSO headquarters in Prague
  • Publication: “How to make numbers make sense”
    A translation of a publication of UN Statistics Division not only about statistical data presentation.
  • Pairs (a game called also Memory or Pelmenism)
    For the youngest we have prepared a game (pairs) with statistical data. The game (in Czech called “Pexeso”) will be soon available for download for free at the CZSO website. It will be also inserted in the November issue of the Statistika&My journal.
  • Statistical quiz (only in Czech)
    Try our quiz. The questions are not easy, but all answers can be found on the CZSO website. That, who answers most questions the fastest is going to win something. The quiz will be made available on Tuesday 20 October at 9 a.m. and you can play until Wednesday 21 October (midnight).

Cooperating institutions

We express our thanks to all friendly institutions, which support the CZSO at the World Statistics Day:   


The UN resolution commemorates in relation to that also this year’s 200th anniversary of birth of George Boole, a British mathematician and philosopher, who became famous as an inventor of the fundamentals of modern arithmetic (later called Boolean algebra). He is considered to be the founder of informatics or the modern computer science.

The first World Statistics Day took place on 20 October 2010 in which over 130 countries united in the UNO participated by various activities.