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Regional Office of the Czech Statistical Office in Jihlava – contact persons

valid from 1/1/2024

Ing. Jitka Číhalová
T: 567 109 066, 724 178 215
E: jitka.cihalova@csu.gov.cz

Information Services Unit
Ing. Jiří Teplý
T: 567 109 073, 731 439 216
E: jiri.teply@csu.gov.cz

Providing of information
Ing. Vlastislav Valda
T: 567 109 062, 705 698 152
E: vlastislav.valda@csu.gov.cz

Providing of information
Ing. Štěpánka Vampolová
T: 567 109 080, 703 854 610
E: stepanka.vampolova@csu.gov.cz

Ing. Jiří Teplý
T: 567 109 073, 731 439 216
E: jiri.teply@csu.gov.cz

Field Surveys Unit
Ing. Šárka Freudenreichová
T: 567 109 069, 737 915 691
E: sarka.freudenreichova@csu.gov.cz

Persons responsible for field surveys

Ing. Soňa Blokešová
T: 736 509 035
E: sona.blokesova@csu.gov.cz
- Labour Force Sample Survey (LFSS)
- Tourism Sample Survey (TSS)
- Sample Survey on ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals (abbreviated “VŠIT” in Czech)

Bc. Lenka Mašterová
T: 731 622 004
E: lenka.masterova1@csu.gov.cz
- The sample survey within the programme of the European Union – Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)
- Agriculture

Jana Láníková, DiS.
T: 567 109 068, 737 280 870
E: jana.lanikova@csu.gov.cz
- Household Budget Survey (HBS)