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The scope and categories of processed personal data

All pieces of data related to a natural person that can be directly or indirectly identified (data subject) are considered to be personal data.  Personal data we process about you are usually those that we have obtained directly from you, from administrative data sources, and other information systems of public authorities, or within saving of information about your activity during your contact with the CZSO.

We process personal data:

  • that we obtain from reporting units of statistical surveys in relation with the fulfilment of legal obligations according to the Act No 89/1995 Sb on the State Statistical Service, as amended. It applies mainly to their first name, surname, phone number, and e-mail address. You can find more details on the CZSO website at: https://csu.gov.cz/vykazy/data-collection;
  • that state authorities and health service providers are obliged to provide to the CZSO (for the CZSO to create population and vital statistics). The statistical information about child births, deaths, marriages, divorces, and changes to permanent residences are kept for the purpose of these statistics. The provided data are mainly identification and description data (e.g. first name, surname, date and place of birth, birth identification number (in Czech: rodné číslo), sex, educational attainment), also data concerning the address of permanent residence, place of usual residence of a foreign national, and place of usual residence of a foreign national who was granted asylum according to special laws, nationality, marital status, marriage (divorce) order, number of minors in divorcing marriages, and data about other persons (address and identification data of a husband/wife, parents). Specific scope and categories of personal data arise from individual statistical surveys. Details about processing reports of population and vital statistics can be found on the CZSO website at: http://apl.czso.cz/pll/vykwww/vyk121?xrokzpr=2018&xhledat=OBYV (Czech only);
  • that we get from information systems of the public administration and via census forms (questionnaires) while carrying out the 2021 Population and Housing Census. The scope of data that are taken over is specified in the provision of the Section 9(a) of the Act No 89/1995 Sb, on the State Statistical Service (e.g. the surname, first name, the type and the address of the place of residence, the date, the place, and the district of birth, citizenship, the birth identification number (in Czech: rodné číslo), sex and its change, previous addresses of the place of permanent residence, the marital status, the date of its change and the place of contracting of marriage, the registered partnership, the birth identification number of the spouse or partner, the birth identification number of the child, as for foreigners also, for example, the type of residence, the purpose of residence, and the country from which the foreigner moved to the Czech Republic) and in the provision of the Section 8 of the Act No 332/2020 Sb, on the 2021 Population and Housing Census (e.g. the type and the number of a machine-readable ID, the nationality, the mother tongue (known as the first language), the religious belief, the educational attainment, the number of children born);
  • that we get from you as a data subject on the basis of electronic communication or communication over the phone with you, on the basis of a request for the provision of information (e.g. according to the Act No 89/1995 Sb on the State Statistical Service or the Act No 106/1999 Sb on Free Access to Information) at the conclusion of a contract or in relation with the performance of the contract or with the provision of services. It applies mainly to identification data (e.g. first name, surname, date of birth, address of permanent residence), contact details (e.g. address, phone number, e-mail address in case of your communication with the CZSO), and other data necessary for proper performance of information and statistical services (e.g. the type of a customer, the country of origin). Personal data are processed in the scope in which they were provided to the Controller;
  • of job applicants interested in employment or performing service within a selection procedure, of the CZSO’s employees, employees working under contracts for work carried out outside their employment contracts, and former employees of the CZSO. We process their necessary identification data (e.g. their first name, surname, date and place of birth, nationality, educational attainment, professional knowledge, information on their previous employment, address of permanent residence), contact details (e.g. correspondence address, phone number, e-mail), and other data we are obliged to process according to legal regulations in force. We also process special categories of data, such as a medical fitness certificate and a confirmation of a clean record, for job applicants interested in performing service and employees. The CZSO may process personal data also for other purposes (e.g. publishing a photo or detailed professional data as a part of information publishing) on the basis of an employee’s consent;
  • necessary for dealing with petitions, complaints, or for protection of rights in court proceedings. Should you have any question or comment during the duration of a contractual relationship with the CZSO, you can get in touch with us in person, via an e-mail, or you can call us. In such case, we will process mainly your contact details (your e-mail address, phone number, correspondence address) to be able to provide you with a specific answer, solution, or advice;
  • necessary in order to ensure security of property and assets of the CZSO, property and health of natural persons, via an installed security camera system, and necessary for related organizational and technical security measures to ensure the protection;
  • obtained when performing the activity of a data protection officer and processing requests of data subjects to exercise their rights. The CZSO as a public authority is obliged to appoint a data protection officer (poverenec@csu.gov.cz). The data protection officer is, inter alia, a point of contact for personal data subjects and is responsible for monitoring of the CZSO’s compliance with personal data protection legislation within the performance of this role. On the basis of fulfilling its legal obligation, the CZSO is also obliged to process your personal data in relation with your request for exercising the rights according to the GDPR you may potentially submit.