Statute of the Czech Statistical Council
Ref. no.: 615/95-4210
Prague, June 1995
In compliance with § 6, paragraph 3 of Act No. 89/1995 Coll., on the State Statistical Service, of 20 April 1995 (hereinafter referred to as the „Act“), the President of the Czech Statistical Office issues this Statute of the Czech Statistical Council.
Article 1
Introductory Provision
/1/ The Czech Statistical Council (hereinafter referred to as the “Council) is a consultative body to the Czech Statistical Office (hereinafter referred to as the “Office”).
Article 2
Membership and Bodies of the Council
/2/ According to § 6, paragraph 2 of the Act, the Members of the Council are appointed and recalled by the President of the Czech Statistical Office.
The Members of the Council can be particularly persons of importance in the area of statistics, namely:
- those who have contributed to statistics for a long time,
- those working in science, research or teaching of statistics,
- important statistical representatives, particularly in the civil service,
- important data suppliers, mainly from entrepreneurial and employers’ associations and reporting units.
/3/ The Council has at least 11 and at most 21 members. The number of the members of the Council is always odd.
/4/ The President of the Czech Statistical Office (see § 6, paragraph 2 of the Act) is the Chairman of the Council.
/5/ If the Chairman of the Council is absent, the Vice-Chairman takes his/her place. The Vice-Chairman is appointed by the Chairman from among the members of the Council.
/6/ The Council may establish expert committees to prepare materials for their meetings.
/7/ The Chairman of an expert committee is appointed and recalled by the Chairman of the Council. A member of the Council is the Chairman of a committee.
Article 3
Assignments of the Council
/8/ The Council discuss and adopt views on:
a) draft principles and content of the Programme of Statistical Surveys for the national needs,
b) proposals for generally binding legal regulations related to the State Statistical Service and prepared by the Office,
c) conceptual questions of developing the State Statistical Service.
/9/ The Council comment on the scope of the statistical surveys necessary to supply information on social, economic and environmental development of the Czech Republic and its individual parts and on the methodology of these surveys and the comparability of resulting information.
/10/ If requested by the Chairman or a member of the Council, the Council can discuss also other matters of the State Statistical Service.
Article 4
Meetings of the Council
/11/ It is the Chairman who convenes and chairs the meetings of the Council. If absent, the Vice-Chairman takes his/her place. The meetings are called according to needs, at least once a year.
/12/ The Resolutions have the nature of recommendations, attitudes or suggestions.
/13/ A Memorandum is made of the meeting of the Council. The memorandum is signed by the Chairman of the Council.
/14/ The Meetings of the Council are usually closed. Invitation of other persons is at the discretion of the Chairman of the Council.
Article 5
The Rights and Duties of the Council Members
/15/ The Membership of the Council is not substitutable.
/16/ The Membership of the Council is individual and honorary and constitutes no claim for remuneration.
/17/ The Members of the Council are subject to secrecy of relevant state, economic and official information they have knowledge of as a result of their activity in the Council.
/18/ If a member of the Council cannot perform his/her duties in the Council for a long time or asks to be released from membership, the President of the Office will recall him/her and will appoint a new member of the Council immediately.
Article 6
Final Provisions
/19/ Organisation and administrative work of the Council and Committees is done by the Office. The President of the Office appoints a worker of the Office as the Secretary of the Council. The Secretary prepares the meetings of the Council, makes memoranda and ensures other administrative tasks resulting from the activity of the Council. The Secretary is not a member of the Council, but takes part in its meetings.
/20/ The costs of activities of the Council and its Committees are covered from the budget of the Office.
Article 7
/21/ This Statute shall apply as from 1 July 1995 and revoke the statute of the Czech Statistical Council of 28 October 1992.
Prague, 29 June 1995
Edvard Outrata
Czech Statistical Office