Statistics on foreign affiliates
In 2022, influenced by high energy prices across the entire European Union and the military conflict on the territory of Ukraine, the upward trend in the development of the monitored indicators for enterprises under foreign control continued. These enterprises increased their value added in the methodology of business statistics by 8.3% year-on-year (i.e. almost 113 billion CZK; enterprises controlled from Germany contributed 54% to this increase), their net turnover by 25% (1.75 trillion CZK), and the number of employed persons by 1.4% (15 thousand persons). In the sector of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, the value added in business statistics methodology increased by almost 44% and net turnover by nearly 155%. Significant recovery occurred in the sector of accommodation and food service activities, where net turnover increased by 68.1% year-on-year, value added in business statistics methodology by 96.2%, and the number of employed persons by 14.5%.
Turnover of foreign-controlled enterprises
Publication date: 30. 09. 2024
8,772,646 CZK million
Added value in the methodology of business statistics created by foreign-controlled enterprises
Publication date: 30. 09. 2024
1,466,421 CZK million
Number of people working in foreign-controlled enterprises
Publication date: 30. 09. 2024
1,093,177 persons