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Statistics methodology for the area of producer prices

I. Basic definition (monitored sector or statistical area)

Producer prices statistics represent a set of information on absolute prices and price indices. Statistics are used for administrative and analytical purposes. The definition of producer price statistics is mainly based on relevant EU regulations, general concepts of price statistics and national accounts.

The producer price area includes 4 sectors:

- prices of industrial producers

- prices of construction works

- prices of service producers in the business sphere

- prices of agricultural producers

II. Data source

1. Statistical reports

-          Prices of industrial producers – questionnaire Ceny Prum 1-12

-          Prices of elektricity – questionnaire Ceny Elek 1-12

-          Prices of construction works - questionnaire Ceny Stav 1-04

-          Prices of service producers in the business sphere - questionnaire Ceny TS 1-12

-          Prices of agricultural producers - questionnaire Ceny Zem 1-12

-          Internet price research

2. Administrative data sources, downloaded data

Administrative source of data from the Energy Regulatory Office 

III. Creation of the basic and sample set, additions and estimates of the unsaved part of the set

Selective surveys

Overview of basic published indicators

Price indices and average prices for selected products, services and construction works

V. Retrospective corrections, revisions, estimate refinement procedure

The published data, apart from the price index of construction works, are definitive. Construction price index estimates are routinely revised based on the completed quarterly survey. Price indices are final and are not subject to subsequent revision.


1. Comparability over time


2. Comparability with other outputs

Outputs are comparable within statistics coming from the same data sources.

3. International comparability

Price indices are internationally comparable within the EU.

Seasonal adjusting

Not implemented.

Data Publishing

CZSO website:

News Releases: Producer Prices - Publications | CZSO

Time series: Prices of producers - time series | CZSO

Public database: Statistics VDB (czso.cz)

EUROSTAT website (data)

Database - Eurostat (europa.eu)

Database by themes/Industry, trade and services/Short-term business statistics/Industry/

Database by themes/Industry, trade and services/Short-term business statistics/Construction, building and civil engineering/

Database by themes/Industry, trade and services/Short-term business statistics/Trade and services/Services/

Database by themes/Agriculture, forestry and fisheries/Agriculture/

Additional methodological information and external links

Methodological explanation:

Producer Prices - Methodology | CZSO