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Statistical definitions of International Trade in Services Statistics

I. Basic definition (Coverage – sector, area)

The international trade in services measures real trade in services (exports and imports of services) between Czech and foreign entities, ie. between residents and non-residents, regardless of the country in which the resulting product of the service is realized.

II. Data source

1. Statistical surveys

The source data are collected (in particular) by the quarterly sample survey of exports and imports of services (ZO 1-04), which meets the requirements set by Eurostat. The data are collected, processed and checked by the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO).

2. Administrative data sources, collected data

The VAT tax returns data are used in the international trade in services statistics as a supporting data source. These data are mainly used for data control of the international trade in services statistics, due to the absence of the commodity structure their further use is limited.

III. Delineation of statistical population and sample, grossing up and estimation of the non-treated part of the population (if relevant)

The sample survey consists of economic entities from all sectors - legal and natural persons, both incorporated and unincorporated in the Commercial Register, that import or export services. The reporting units receive information on their reporting duty in a notification sent by the Czech Statistical Office. The sample consists of approximately 5 500 units, the sampling criteria consist mainly of: sector of economic activity (NACE), turnover from economic activity, number of employees, characteristics of services provided by the entity. The reporting duty is given by Section 10 of Act No 89/1995 Coll. on the State Statistical Service, as amended.

Data processing also includes mathematical and statistical imputation, which compensates for a loss of information due to non-response. Data on individual companies that did not report the quarterly sample survey of exports and imports of services (ZO 1-04) are imputed. Data on their trade transactions in previous periods are used for this purpose or the donor method (reporting units of a similar nature) is used.

IV. Overview of main published indicators 

The Czech Statistical Office does not publish any data on imports or exports of services directly, mainly because the quarterly sample survey of exports and imports of services (ZO 1-04) is non-comprehensive, because the survey does not cover the whole spectrum of international trade in services. The figures for international trade in services are an integral part of the balance of payments published by the Czech National Bank. See also international trade in services - Balance of Payments – quarterly.

V. Data revision policy - corrections, revisions, refinement procedure of estimations

The periodicity of the statistical survey is quarterly, the deadline for the reporting unit to provide data is always the 20th calendar day after the end of the quarter, while reporting units have the possibility to revise data for quarters already sent for a given year. The timetable for the compilation of international trade in services includes two regular revisions of the data. The final data for year t-1 are reported to the Czech National Bank after the second revision, always at the end of August of year t.

The revision policy for balance of payments data is under the responsibility of the Czech National Bank and is governed by international commitments.

VI. Comparability

1. Comparability over time

Data on international trade in services are published by the Czech National Bank in current prices. This valuation is a limiting factor for comparability over time as it does not sufficiently take into account different price levels and their changes over time. The current prices data are mainly used to assess the structure of the statistical domain in a given year. Conversion to the previous year's prices is used to remove price influences on the relevant indicator. The previous year's prices allow comparisons of economic variables over a long period of time.

2. Comparability with other outputs

Data on international trade in services are the basic source data for the compilation of GDP according to the expenditure method as well as the current account of the balance of payments. In addition to the data from the statistics on international trade in services, other items such as individual (sub-threshold) imports, illegal economy, tourism, financial and insurance transactions, etc. are included in the above-mentioned macroeconomic statistics.

3. International comparability 

The figures for international trade in services are an integral part of the current account of balance of payments published by the Czech National Bank. These data published by the Czech National Bank are internationally comparable.

VII. Seasonal adjustment

Statistics on international trade in services is a sub-supplier of source data for the Czech National Bank and the national accounts. These source data are not seasonally adjusted in any way.

VIII. Dissemination (description of the publication system, references to Eurostat outputs or national outputs may be provided)

Data on international trade in services are published at the frequency of the balance of payments publication by the Czech National Bank (CNB), according to the publication schedule released and published by the CNB.

IX. Additional methodological information and external references

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