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Social benefits

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In 2023, a total of CZK 170 billion was spent on social benefits (excluding pensions). State social support benefits and foster care benefits accounted for CZK 60 billion, sickness insurance benefits accounted for almost CZK 45 billion, the third highest expenditure was on care benefit, over CZK 37 billion. Expenditure on benefits of asistance in material need reached CZK 13 billion, of which CZK 7 billion went to the humanitarian benefit. Expenditure on unemployment benefits reached CZK 10 billion, and benefits for people with disabilities almost CZK 4 billion.

  • Expenditure on State social benefits and Foster care benefits

    Publication date: 18. 11. 2024

    Year 2023

    59.9 CZK billion

  • Expenditure on Sickness insurance scheme benefits

    Publication date: 18. 11. 2024

    Year 2023

    45.5 CZK billion

  • Expenditure on Care benefit

    Publication date: 18. 11. 2024

    Year 2023

    37.2 CZK billion

  • Expenditure on benefits of Assistance in material need

    Publication date: 18. 11. 2024

    Year 2023

    12.8 CZK billion

  • Expenditure on Unemployment benefits

    Publication date: 18. 11. 2024

    Year 2023

    10.4 CZK billion

  • Expenditure on benefits for people with disabilities

    Publication date: 18. 11. 2024

    Year 2023

    3.8 CZK billion

Data and time series

Public databaseAll data CZSO online

Sickness insurance scheme benefits26,28428,31633,97438,88755,20751,47247,63145,451
State social support benefits34,97334,31635,35633,97647,73944,73252,29154,975
Foster care benefits2,8332,9503,8023,9243,9814,0924,1744,932
Unemployment benefits8,2207,8197,5118,11410,5259,9699,85710,449
Benefits of assistance in material need9,2557,3645,3534,4094,7885,23314,37912,814
Benefits for people with disabilities1,9941,9562,6252,6542,6282,5612,6683,759
Care benefit23,04625,12026,01329,76833,09432,72636,37637,175
Advance of maintenance payment1):::::36159223

1) the benefit was introduced from July 1, 2021
Source: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs



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