eCatalogue geographic products
Purpose of the eCatalogue
Through the eCatalogue there are published selected metainformation and pictorial data on geographical products of the Czech Statistical Office in the internet environment. It contains digital geographical layers of territorial, address, registration and statistical structure of the state, which are or will gradually be used within CZSO's tasks (censuses, statistical surveys, regional databases, publications, analyses, information service). The parts of the eCatalogue are also specialized layers, which complete basic products.
The eCatalogue does not describe disponsible map basises, which are used for the creation of the CZSO's geographical products. These basises are digital cadastral maps and the Basic map of the Czech Republic at scale 1 : 10 000, which are localized in the CZSO's map server and which are under contract with the Czech Office for Surveing, Mapping and Cadastre, Prague. On the other hand the eCatalogue contains their map layouts or segments, which are the products of the CZSO.
The boundaries of superior elements are derived from the boundaries of statistical units, as the most basic elements within given hierarchy. Intentionally the integration of municipality parts, city districts/city boroughs and basic settlement units into the municipality structure was delimited.
The eCatalogue represents an information source for current or potential external users.
The print versions of eCatalogue in the PDF (11 MB) format are available (Czech language only).
- Address structure Overview of geographical layers of address structure of the Czech Republic
- Territorial structure Overview of geographical layers of territorial structure of the Czech Republic
- Registration structure Overview of geographical layers of registration structure of the Czech Republic
- Special layers Overview of special accessory geographical layers