ROS 2020+
Project title: ROS 2020+
Reg. No.: CZ.31.1.01/MV/22_08/0000008
Project duration: 1. 1. 2021 – 31. 12. 2023 (36 months)
Total project budget: 47 000 000,00 CZK
Programme: National Recovery Plan
Pillar: 1 Digital transformation
Component: 1.2 Digital systems of the public administration
Reform/Investment: Investment 2: Construction and development of basic registers and infrastructure for eGovernment
Directing authority: Ministry of the Interior
Project description:
The aim of the project is to ensure the implementation of selected requirements of the Basic Register of Persons (hereafter only “ROS”), listed in the target concept of basic registers ZR 2.0., which the government took note by the Resolution No. 650 in October 2018, as well as from the requirements arising from Act No. 12/2020 Coll., on the right to digital services and on the amendment of certain laws, and Act No. 261/2021 Coll., which amends certain laws in connection to the further electronization of public authorities procedures.
Key activities:
a) inclusion of contact details and correspondence address into ROS,
b) application of the analytical module for the publication of open data,
c) implementation of non-stop ROS operation in the form of APP cache,
d) improving the quality of the data maintained in ROS,
e) providing cooperation in the implementation of the notification system (AISV) for Interconnected Data Fund.
ROS is one of the basic registers of public administration and is used as one of the basic pillars in building services and tools of eGovernment and digitalisation within the Czech Republic. The implementation of the project will ensure the further development of ROS in accordance with the above-mentioned legislation. This will strengthen the basic infrastructure of eGovernment. This will make it possible to implement other strategic objectives in the field of Digital Czech Republic and the implementation of eGovernment in the Czech Republic. The proposed ROS amendments will also expand the possibilities of providing digital services in public administration (by public authorities) to citizens and economic entities.
The project is funded by the European Union within the EU Recovery and Resilience Instrument (