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Public Relations Department

Our activities comprise especially communication with representatives of the media; we organize press conferences, issue press releases, articles, and background materials for journalists. We intermediate interviews with experts of the CZSO and ensure publication of journals of the CZSO (Demografie, Review for Population Research, Statistika – Economy and Statistics Journal, and Statistika & My) and other publications.

We create uniform corporate identity design (CID) of the CZSO. We professionally, technically, and materially co-operate on creation and publication of non-standard printed and electronic statistical outputs. We are doing pre-print preparation, print production, and print of selected statistical publications, information, and journals of the CZSO.

Your questions, suggestions or comments address, please, to the following:

Michal Novotný
Director of the Public Relations Department
tel.: +420 274 052 475

Hynek Jordán

Head of the Marketing and PR Unit
tel.: +420 274 052 162
mobil: +420 733 696 083

Pavel Hortig
Marketing and PR Unit
tel.: 274 052 834

Jana Kučerová
Head of the Presentation and CID Unit
tel.: +420 274 052 672