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Personal data recipients and potential transmission to a third country

The CZSO and other public authorities performing the State Statistical Service can provide confidential statistical data (including personal data) to each other if they need them to perform the State Statistical Service and in a way which secures the protection of their confidentiality. This way, they may also provide to each other confidential statistical data for the creation of statistics of the European Communities; and if it is necessary for the fulfilment of their duties when creating statistical information, the data may be transmitted to another person responsible for their processing for statistical purposes on the basis of a contract.

Obtained personal data may be exceptionally (e.g. in the case of a control by the Office for Personal Data Protection) made accessible to relevant public authorities and persons that have a legal right to request the information from the Controller, and in a way that secures the data confidentiality.

Suppliers and providers of services who are in the position of a contractual processor are also considered to be personal data recipients. The CZSO has the right to outsource the personal data processing to a processor that concluded a contract on processing with the CZSO and that provides sufficient guarantees of protection of your personal data.

Personal data in the form of confidential statistical data may be transmitted abroad if it is necessary for the fulfilment of commitments arising from an international treaty by which the Czech Republic is bound and if the acquiring party secures at least the same level of data protection as it has in the Czech Republic.