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Operating Rules of the Czech Statistical Office SafeCentre

1    Operator details

Czech Statistical Office
Na padesátém 3268/81
100 82 Praha 10
Czech Republic

Company registration number (IČO): 00 02 55 93
Tel.: +420 274 051 111 (telephone exchange)

2    Introductory provisions:

2.1 The Operating Rules are binding for all visitors to the SafeCentre (hereinafter referred to as "SC") at the CZSO. Every visitor to the SC shall be acquainted with the Rules by the responsible CZSO employee.
2.2 Access to the SC is possible only after the conclusion of the relevant contract:

  • for scientific purposes incl. dissertations;
  • for the purposes of diploma theses.

2.3 The contract is concluded on the basis of the Request for Access to Confidential Statistical Data for Scientific Research Purposes or the Request for Access to Confidential Statistical Data for Diploma Thesis Purposes (hereinafter referred to as the Request).
2.4 Access to the SC is granted only to persons listed in the Request who have taken a pledge of secrecy.
2.5 Before entering the SC

a) every SC visitor is obliged to:

  • Acquaint himself/herself with the principles and conditions of providing statistical data.
  • Complete an initial training for working in the SC. 
  • Complete Occupational Safety and Health (OHS) and Fire Prevention (FP) training.
  • Immediately before entering the SC, put away his/her outer clothing and all personal items such as luggage, stationery, mobile phone, laptop, iPad, tablet, camera, etc. in a locker.

    b) every SC visitor receives a user ID and password to access the computer.  

3 SC opening hours

Office hours:

Mon    9.00 - 15.00
Tue     9.00 - 15.00
Wed    9.00 - 15.00
Thu     9.00 - 15.00 

4 Rules for working on a PC in the SC

4.1 The working schedule of the researcher in the SC must be approved in advance according to the capabilities and workload of the SC. The researcher is required to report any R package that needs to be installed for his/her work.
4.2 The SC visitor works within a given directory of a separate computer that contains all the data sources and where the researcher also stores the outputs.
4.3 The PC is completely cleaned and reinstalled before another researcher starts working on it.
4.4 In the SC, it is not allowed to: print documents, copy data to CDs, DVDs, USB etc. or hard drives, connect recording devices to serial, parallel and USB ports, connect a laptop to the network, use e-mail and the internet, make records of confidential statistical data and statistical analysis results.
4.5 Software procedures may run overnight.
4.6 The SC visitor can use his/her own data and software only after prior agreement. After their submission and review, they can be placed in a given directory by the SC team.

5 Approval of scientific work outputs in the SC

5.1 The output must be saved in a specified directory on the PC in the SC. The SC visitor informs the SC team about the completion of his/her work. It is recommended that he/she personally present the results of his/her work.
5.2 The output must contain the name of the researcher and the institution, the name of the project, the date of the output, all resulting data including the programs and codes used to process the data.
5.3 The SC visitor must ensure that the research outputs do not contain information that would allow direct or indirect identification of the subject. All results are checked to ensure that no confidential data are leaked (both primary and secondary confidentiality).
5.4 The output should be reviewed and approved within 2 weeks, depending on the scope.
5.5 The SC visitor will pay a handling fee and output control fee based on the time spent by the CZSO specialist. 5.6 The approved output is sent to the researcher via FILR or by e-mail.

6 Rejection of scientific work outputs in the SC

6.1 An output will be rejected if it does not meet confidentiality principles, is incomprehensible or very long. In that case, the researcher must rework it or stop working in the SC.  

7 Other and final provisions

7.1 The SC area is monitored at all times.
7.2 A telephone line for internal calls is available in the SC, including a list of important phone numbers.
7.3 The consumption of food, alcoholic beverages and the use of narcotic substances is prohibited on the premises of the SC.
7.4 It is necessary to keep order in the premises of the SC.
7.5 Smoking is prohibited on the premises of the CZSO.
7.6 Visitors to the SC are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of confidential statistical data they have encountered in the course of their research work even after the end of their scientific work in the SC.
7.7 These Operating Rules shall come into force on the date of signing.