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Ministries and state authorities


Ministry of Transportwww.mdcr.cz
Ministry of Financewww.mfcr.cz
Ministry of Culturewww.mkcr.cz
Ministry of Defencewww.army.cz
Ministry for Regional Developmentwww.mmr.cz
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairswww.mpsv.cz
Ministry of Industry and Tradewww.mpo.cz
Ministry of Justicewww.justice.cz
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sportswww.msmt.cz
Ministry of Interiorwww.mvcr.cz/mvcren/
Ministry of Foreign Affairswww.mzv.cz
Ministry of Healthwww.mzcr.cz
Ministry of Agriculturewww.mze.cz
Ministry of Environmentwww.env.cz

State authorities:

Office of the Government of the Czech Republic

Permanent Delegation of the Czech Republic to the OECDwww.mzv.cz/oecd.paris
Czech National Bankwww.cnb.cz
The National Information and Consulting Centre for
Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republicwww.uzis.cz
Labour Officewww.uradprace.cz
Customs Administration of the Czech Republicwww.celnisprava.cz
Czech Business Web Portalwww.businessinfo.cz
Public Administration Portal of the Czech Republicportal.gov.cz
Czech Telecommunication Officewww.ctu.eu