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Methodology of Performance Indicators in Transportation

  I.          Data Sources

The sources of data are, first of all, the data taken from questionnaires of the Ministry of Transport. Forms of statistical questionnaires of the Ministry of Transport are available on

Data on road accidents are taken from the Police Presidium of the Czech Republic. Data for crude oil transport vie pipeline and for the pipeline transport infrastructure are worked out from data acquired by means of the Czech Statistical Office statistical surveys.

II.          Time Series Contents

Published time series of performance indicators in transport are subdivided into sections as follows:

The transport infrastructure, which contains time series for infrastructure of the rail transport, road transport, electric traction of the urban public transport, navigable inland waterways for regularly operated transport, infrastructure of air transport and of pipeline transport. These time series are published annually.

The transport equipment, which include time series for rail transport vehicles, road transport vehicles, electric traction fleet of urban public transport companies, inland waterways transport equipment, air transport equipment, and data for the first registration of road vehicles (data are available till 2013 only). These time series are published annually.

Passenger transport, which includes time series for the rail passenger transport, public bus transport, urban public transport, commercial air passenger transport, and outputs of airports in the air passenger transport. These time series are published quarterly.

Freight transport, which includes time series for rail freight transport, road freight transport, inland waterways freight transport, air freight transport, and crude oil transport by means of pipelines. It also includes two tables on road freight transport dealing with the goods transport by commodity (given in tonnes and in tonne-kilometres). All these time series are issued quarterly. The freight transport section further includes annual time series in the form of two tables for rail freight transport on the transport of goods by commodity (given in tonnes and in tonne-kilometres) and for inland waterways freight transport on the transport of goods by commodity (given in tonnes and in tonne-kilometres).

Transport accidents, which include time series for rail accidents, road accidents, inland waterways accidents, and for air accidents. The series are published annually, except for Table 2 Road accidents, which are published quarterly.

 III.          Definitions of terms and indicators

Rail transport shall mean the transport of goods between the places of loading and unloading, or transport of passengers between the place of embarkation and place of disembarkation by rail vehicles.

Road freight transport shall mean the transport of goods by road cargo vehicles registered in the reporting country. The road cargo vehicle for the transport of goods is a road vehicle designed exclusively, or primarily, to haul goods (e.g. lorries, trailers, semi-trailers).

Public road passenger transport shall mean the carriage of passengers from the embarkation point to the disembarkation one by buses, which are equipped to carry more than nine persons, including the driver. Urban public transport is excluded.

Urban public transport shall mean passenger transport to meet the transport needs of an urban centre or urban agglomeration, as well as transport needs between them and their surroundings, which is performed by buses, trolleybuses, trams and the underground, also called subway or metro.

Inland waterways transport shall mean any transfer of passengers or goods by vessels registered in the reporting country by navigable inland waterways.

Commercial air transport shall mean the air transport of goods for remuneration or reward and air passenger transport for remuneration or reward performed by domestic airlines under license authorising to operate commercial flights.

Pipeline transport of crude oil shall mean both the crude oil transport by pipelines and the supply of crude oil by pipelines. The haulage refers to the movement of crude oil by pipelines from the country border to the central crude oil tank farm. The supply of oil refers to the movement of crude oil into the customer owned tanks not only directly from the crude oil pipeline, but also from tanks of the central crude oil tank farm.

National transport shall mean the transport of goods by vehicles or vessels, which are registered in the reporting country, between two places (from the loading point to the unloading point) located in the reporting country, or to passenger transport between two points (from the embarkation point to the disembarkation point) located in the reporting country. The pipeline transport includes the crude oil that has been pumped according to customer requirements.

International transport shall mean the transport of goods by vehicles or vessels registered in the reporting country from the loading point to the unloading point, while, at least, one of these places is not located on the territory of the reporting country, or passenger transport between two points (from the embarkation point to the disembarkation point), while, at least, one of these points is not located on the territory of the reporting country. The pipeline transport includes the crude oil that has been pumped in to tanks of the central crude oil tank farm.

Imports of goods shall mean such transport of goods, in which the goods are loaded out of the territory of the Czech Republic and unloaded on the territory of the Czech Republic.

Exports of goods shall mean such transport of goods, in which goods are loaded on the territory of the Czech Republic and unloaded out of the territory of the Czech Republic.

Transit transport of goods shall mean such transport of goods, in which the goods shipment travels across the territory of the Czech Republic without being loaded and/or unloaded and/or reloaded on this territory.

Cabotage shall mean the national carriage transport of goods temporarily operated within a country other than the country of the hauling vehicle or vessel registration, performed for purposes of other party than the haulier.

Cross-trade transport of goods shall mean the transport of goods carried out by means of vehicles (dedicated for road freight transport) and/or vessels (dedicated for inland waterways freight transport), which are registered in the reporting country, in between the loading point in other country and the unloading point in a third country.

A rail vehicle shall mean a registered mobile device moving exclusively on rails driven either by means of its own drive, or drawn by another vehicle.

A road vehicle shall mean a registered motor or motorless vehicle made for the purpose of being operated on roads for transport of passengers, livestock, animals, or things.

An aircraft shall mean a registered machine capable of flight independent of the Earth surface dedicated to passenger or freight transport and able to take off and land in a safe manner and can be controlled, at least partially.

A vessel shall mean a floating craft registered and dedicated to service on water, for instance for freight and passenger transport, or to carry various machines and equipment. This includes vessels, boats, floating machines, and rafts.

An urban public transport vehicle with electric traction shall mean a registered rail vehicle with electric traction primarily dedicated to passenger transport within urban public transport.

A trolleybus shall mean a road vehicle, powered from overhead electric wires and dedicated for mass passenger transport.

A tram shall mean a surface moving vehicle of urban public transport, powered from overhead electric wires and running on rails laid in a public road.

An underground, also called subway or metro shall mean a high-capacity backbone vehicle of urban public transport operated on a segregated transport route underneath the earth surface using rail technology and electric traction.

A bus or mini-bus shall mean a road vehicle designed to carry more than nine persons, including the driver.

A passenger transported by public passenger transport shall mean a person whom the carrier is obliged to transport in compliance with transportation regulations and tariffs.

Public passenger transport outputs shall mean the sum of the distances, which individual passengers travelled being transported and expressed in person-kilometres. In the case of international rail transport, only distance travelled on the territory of the reporting country is considered.

The average passenger transport distance shall mean the average distance, which passengers travel while being transported. It is calculated as the ratio of passenger transport output in passenger-kilometres to the number of passengers. In the case of international rail transport solely the distance travelled on the territory of the reporting country is taken into account.

Goods transported by freight transport shall mean goods that the haulier is obliged to transport. Passenger baggage is excluded from the transported goods.

Goods transport outputs shall mean the sum of products of the weight of goods carried and the distance, which the goods were transported over, and is expressed in tonne-kilometres. In the case of international rail transport, only distance travelled on the territory of the reporting country is considered.

The average freight transport distance shall mean the average distance, which goods are being transported. It is calculated as the ratio of freight transport performance in tonne-kilometres to the weight of goods transported. In the case of international rail transport solely the distance travelled on the territory of the reporting country is taken into account.

Goods transported by commodity shall mean data on goods transported by commodity. For the Classification system for transport statistics (NST 2007) see the web page: It also includes relations to the Statistical classification of products by activity (CPA 2008).

A serious rail accident shall mean every accident, in which at least one rail vehicle in motion is engaged and at least one person is seriously injured or killed, or in which there is substantial material damage incurred to the vehicle, other equipment, or to the environment, or which consequence is a large traffic disruption or disorder.

A road traffic accident shall mean an event in operation on roads, as an accident or crash, for instance, which occurred on a road or commenced on it, and in which a person was injured or killed, or harm to property was incurred in a direct relation to the operation of a vehicle in motion. The statistically measured traffic accidents are those, which were notified to the Police of the Czech Republic.

An inland waterways accident shall mean an event, which happened in operations on some inland waterway in causality to the operations and which resulted in damage or destruction of a vessel, damage or deterioration of cargo transported, unless the consequences followed from the cargo nature itself. Furthermore, it shall mean damage to the inland waterway or structure on it, harm to health or death of participants to the operation on the inland waterway.

An air traffic accident shall mean an event related to the operation of an aircraft, which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight until such time as all such persons have disembarked, in which:

a) somebody suffered a fatal or severe injury within this interval in relation to the air transport operations, except for the cases when the injury occurred in a natural way, or when the injuries are to stowaways hiding outside the areas normally available to the passengers and crew;

b) an aircraft sustains damage or structural failure the way they have adverse influence on structural strength, performance or flight characteristics of the aircraft, and would normally require major repair or replacement of the affected component, except for, for instance damage, which is a result of a hail storm or a bird hit; and

c) the aircraft is missing or is completely out of reach.

A killed person or fatality shall mean a person who died on the accident scene, or while being transported to the hospital, or due to consequences of the injury, which he/she suffered at the accident. The data given correspond to facts found till a certain moment, called the decisive moment, since the accident. Introducing the decisive moment in the monitoring of the number of killed persons or fatalities enables to acquire more objective and comprehensive view of the accident impacts and potential international comparison.

An injured person shall mean a person who suffered harm to his/her health due to an accident and did not die as a result of the harm. The injuries are classified, as serious or slight, by physicians. The data given correspond to the facts found as at a certain moment, called the decisive moment, since the accident happened. The decisive moment introduction into the measuring of the number of fatalities enables to acquire more objective and comprehensive view of accident consequences and to carry out potential international comparison.

Property damage shall mean any material harm to property, which was incurred in causal relation to an accident.


Further data can be found on the website of the Ministry of Transport: or 

Contact: Jana Gotvaldová, tel.:+ (420) 274 052 691, e-mail: