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Methodology - International trade in ICT services

Services in the field of information and communication technologies (hereinafter only referred to as the ICT services) are define as services, the core function of which is to implement or to enable communication or information processing by electronic means, including their record, transmission, and display.

Respective items of ICT services are define according to the international classification of Extended Balance of Payment Services (EBOPS 2010) as follows:

  • Telecommunications services (code SI1) include, first of all, transactions of Czech and foreign telecommunication operators for implemented international calls by means of fixed or mobile telephone networks. A payment the Czech operator receives from the foreign operator for the arrangement of the international call from abroad to the Czech Republic is considered exports. A payment from the Czech operator to the foreign operator for the arrangement of the international call is considered imports. Other telecommunications services involve payments for the access to the Internet, cable television, and to other computer networks, including providing of services as electronic mail, video conferences, or transmitting of audio-visual signal over the Internet, cable networks, or by means of satellites.
  • Computer services (Other computer services, code SI22) consist mainly of consulting services in the fields of hardware and software of computers, including maintenance and repair services of both hardware and software and services related to data processing.
  • Computer software (codes SI21 and SH3) involves purchase and sale of tailor-made software and its applications (original computer software), including purchase and sale of ownership rights to such software or licence fees for the software use. Furthermore, it also includes purchase and sale of standard software and applications supplied over the Internet, including purchase and sale of ownership rights to such software or licence fees for the software use. Computer services does not include purchase and sale of standard software packages supplied on physical media carriers (CD-ROMs, flash disks, etc.) or as a part of hardware (as Microsoft products, for instance), which are considered to be goods and are reported within the statistics on international trade in goods (change of ownership). The computer software category here also includes licences to reproduce and/or distribute computer software (code SH3).

Data on exports and imports of ICT services come from the CZSO direct survey on exports and imports of services.