Methodology for quantifying the share of self-builders in the value of new family houses and reconstructions of existing family houses
Project No.: TITACSU035
Directing authority: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Programme: BETA2
Contract No.: 2021005,
Major science field: Economy (AH)
Minor science field: Construction industry (JN)
Project duration: 01.06.2021 – 28.02.2023 (20 months)
Max. financial allocation: 1 665 921,60 CZK
Development of the method of determining the average share of self-builders on the total value of the building or reconstruction, i.e. what part of the final value of the building is created by self-help. The estimated contribution must be an average for the entire Czech Republic. It is possible to estimate the indicator in a regional level, which will enable the calculation of a weighted average for the Czech Republic using the number of new family houses in the regions in a given year from the construction industry statistics of the Czech Statistical Office. Different involvement of self-builders in the construction of new family houses and in the reconstruction of existing ones is assumed, therefore separate development of the method for the construction of new family houses and for the reconstruction of existing ones is required. We assume that the share of self-builders changes over time, therefore the result of the method should be, in addition to determining the share of self-builders for the year 2019 or 2020, a proposal for a procedure for updating the share values for the future.
The data will be used to fulfill the obligations arising from Articles 1 and 3 of Regulation (EC) No. 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union (ESA 2010). The CZSO must fully comply with the ESA 2010 regulation when compiling national accounts and determining the government deficit, and is also subject to regular inspections by Eurostat. Complying with international regulations follows from the Act on the State Statistical Service 89/1995 § 1, national accounts as part of the CZSO are mentioned in § 4 paragraph d) e).