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Regional Office of the Czech Statistical Office in Liberec – contact persons

Ing. Dagmar Dvořáková  
T: 485 238 803, 731 439 220
E: dagmar.dvorakova@csu.gov.cz

Information Services
T: 485 238 811
E: infoservislbc@csu.gov.cz

Ing. Ondřej Beneš
T: 485 238 801, 705 698 145
E: ondrej.benes@csu.gov.cz

Providing of information
Ing. Hana Koťátková
T: 485 238 821
E: hana.kotatkova@csu.gov.cz

Mgr. Aleš Krejza
T: 485 238 813
E: ales.krejza@csu.gov.cz

Field Surveys Unit

Ing. Jana Doubková, MBA
T: 485 238 807, 737 280 481
E: jana.doubkova@csu.gov.cz
- The sample survey within the programme of the European Union – Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)
- Agriculture

Bc. Eva Madarová
T: 485 238 817, 736 509 014
E: eva.madarova@csu.gov.cz
- Labour Force Sample Survey (LFSS)
- Sample Survey on ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals (abbreviated “VŠIT” in Czech)
- Tourism Sample Survey (TSS)

Ing. Jana Koukolová
T: 485 238 804, 778 726 633
E: jana.koukolova@csu.gov.cz
- Household Budget Survey