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International organizations - Data, Statistics

ASEAN, Association of Southeast Asian Nations - Statistics
Principal Global Indicators - Data for the G-20 to monitor the economic and financial developments for these systemically important economies. Website launched in response to the on-going financial and economic crisis, it is hosted by the IMF, and is a joint undertaking of the Inter-Agency Group on Economic and Financial Statistics: Bank for International Settlements (BIS), European Central Bank (ECB), Eurostat, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations (UN), and the World Bank (WB).

ISI, International Statistical Institute
autonomous society, which seeks to develop and improve statistical methods and their application through the promotion of international activity and co-operation.
IAOS, International Association for Official Statistics
international non-governmental organization, which was created and developed as a specialized section of the International Statistical Institute (ISI).
SCORUS, standing committee of the IAOS for Regional and Urban Statistics and Research.

International Database of Destatis (Statistiches Bundesamt Deutschland) providing wide range of data for more than 180 states all over the world.

OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OECD Economic survey of the Czech Republic
The OECD assessment and recommendations on the main economic challenges faced by the Czech Republic.

OECD eXplorer
New interactive graphical tool for analysing the OECD Regional Database.

OECD Factbook
OECD Statistical Yearbook, free on-line access, data in tables, graphs and texts. Possibility to view Factbook data using Trendalyzer.

OECD Going for Growth
OECD flagship annual publication provides an overview of structural policy developments in OECD countries from a comparative perspective.

OECD Measuring the Progress of Societies
The Global Project exists to foster the development of sets of key indicators to provide a comprehensive picture of how the well-being of a society is evolving.

UN, United Nations - homepage
UN Population Division
FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN - FAOSTAT
IAEA, International Atomic Energy Agency - data source NUCLEUS
ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization - data
ILO, International Labour Organization - Statistics and databases
IMF, International Monetary Fund - Data and Statistics
UN Member States - database
ITU, International Telecommunication Union - Statistics
UNODC, UN Office on Drugs and Crime - Data and Analysis
UN Statistical Division
UNAIDS, Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS - data
UNCTAD, UN Conference on Trade and Development - Statistics
UNDP, Development Programme
UNdata - a single access point into international statistical databases
UNECE, UN Economic Commission for Europe
UNEP, UN Environment Programme - GEO data portal
UNESCO, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Statistics
UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency
UNICEF, UN Children's Fund - Statistics
UNICRI, UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute
UNIDO, UN Industrial Development Organization - Statistics
UNSC, UN Statistical Commission
UPU, Universal Postal Union - Postal statistic database
WB, World Bank - Data and Statistics
WHO, World Health Organization - Statistics
WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization - Statistics
UNWTO, World Tourism Organization
WTO, World Trade Organization - Data