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Implementation of the quality management system at the Czech Statistical Office

EU - ESF - Operační program Zaměstnanosti

The Czech Statistical Office is a central body of the state administration of the Czech Republic with nationwide scope and service authority under the Civil Service Act. The long-term effort of the Czech Statistical Office is to introduce innovative activities into its agendas, that aim to increase the quality of performance and at the same time reflect modern trends in public administration.

By the resolution No. 275 of April 10, 2017, the Government of the Czech Republic approved The Methodology for the Implementation of Quality Management in service authorities. On the basis of this methodology, the Methodological Instruction for Quality Management in Service Authorities was prepared and taken note by the government on October 11, 2017 under Ref. No. 1063/17.

The project, in terms of content, responds to the analysis of the current situation and reflects the suggested recommendations. The results of the analysis showed some activities at the office are taking place, but are not properly set up, or are set up and implemented insufficiently, and they need to be better coordinated and further developed.

The main project objective is to increase the quality of the management and functioning of the Czech Statistical Office, by achieving the sub-objectives and key activities, especially the development of strategic management and planning and the streamlining of human resources management. The implementation of the objectives get benefits for the office in the long term in creation of an effective environment, obtaining instruments necessary for the implementation of strategies, performance of office tasks and management intensions. The fulfillment of the planned objectives will support the effective coordination of the office's activities, the specific definition of responsibilities and powers, modern methods of managing internal documentation and regulations (including clarification) and the purposeful setting of internal and external communication.

The project is realised within the Operational Programme Employment with financial support from EU funds.

Project title: Implementation of the quality management system at the Czech Statistical Office

Reg. No.: CZ.03.4.74/0.0/0.0/15_019/0016015

Project duration: 1. 1. 2020 – 30. 6. 2023 (42 months)

Project venue: Na Padesátém 3268/81, 100 82 Praha 10 – Strašnice

Project budget:

Total: 12 325 493,75 CZK
EU funding: 9 966 764,00 CZK
State budget: 2 358 729,75 CZK

Project objective:

  • Increase the quality of management and functioning of the Czech Statistical Office

Project sub-objectives:

  •  Increasing the quality of the strategic development of the service authority
  •  Increasing the quality of service authority management
  •  Increasing the quality of human resources management of the service authority

Project key activities (KA):

  • KA 01: Development strategy of the service authority
  • KA 02: System of defining measurable objectives of the service authority
  • KA 03: System of responsibilities and powers
  • KA 04: System of internal regulations
  • KA 05: Communication system in the service authority
  • KA 06: Change management system      
  • KA 07: Human resources policy
  • KA 08: Evaluation of the established quality management system
  • KA 09: Project management, administration and publicity

Target group: employees of the Czech Statistical Office

Operational programme: Operational Programme Employment

Directing authority: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Priority axis: 4 Effective Public Administration

Invest priority: 4.1 Investing in the institutional capacity and effectiveness of public administration and public services at national, regional and local levels to reform, improve legislation and good governance.

Specific objective: SC 4.1.1 Optimizing processes in public administration through strengthening the strategic management of organizations, increasing the quality of their functioning and reducing the administrative burden; SC 4.1.2 Professionalize public administration through increasing the knowledge and skills of its employees, developing policies and strategies in the area of human resources and implementing the Civil Service Act

Call: 03_15_019 Výzva pro projekty podporující implementaci Strategického rámce rozvoje veřejné správy ČR pro období 2014 – 2020