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Household Satellite Account

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The Household Satellite Account provides experimental results for measuring the economic prosperity of household groups through indicators of disposable income, final consumption expenditure and savings. Tracking the economic position of different household groups in the national accounts allows the presentation of results for household groups that are consistent with other macroeconomic aggregates and their trends. The household satellite account is oriented towards disaggregating households by the highest household income category (sub-sectors) or by the amount of household disposable income (quintiles). Based on the household satellite account data, it is possible to measure not only income inequalities between household groups but also to assess the overall economic disparity in society.

  • Ratio highest to lowest

    Publication date: 31. 10. 2023



  • Net disposable income per person per month (annual average in CZK)

    Publication date: 31. 10. 2023


    CZK 25,223

  • Coverage rate of net disposable income with net money income (%)

    Publication date: 31. 10. 2023



  • Coverage rate of final consumption expenditure with money expenditure (%)

    Publication date: 31. 10. 2023



Data and time series

Database of National AccountsData CZSO online

(2021, subsectors, anual averages per person per month in CZK)

 Households Employers and Own-account workers EmployeesRecipients of property income Recipients of pensions Recipients of other transfers 
Disposable income, net25,22324,83824,719165,28222,45119,597
Final consumption expenditure21,65821,90222,15035,91820,11418,906
Saving, net3,8723,3602,918129,5402,484904




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