Act No 89/1995 Sb on the State Statistical Service
§ 1 The State Statistical Service
- The State Statistical Service is an activity, which includes the acquisition of data, production of statistical information on social, economic, demographic and environmental developments of the Czech Republic and of its respective parts, the provision and publication of statistical information. Making statistical information comparable and fulfilling obligations following from international treaties in the area of statistics binding for the Czech Republic form a part thereof.
- The State Statistical Service does not include the gathering or requesting of information and background materials performed under special acts for purposes other than statistical.
§ 2 Definitions
For the purposes of this Act,
a) individual data shall mean data relating to individual legal or natural persons and acquired for statistical purposes pursuant to this Act,
b) confidential statistical data shall mean data, which allow direct or indirect identification of individual legal persons, or data, which are personal data on natural persons according to a special act,
c) anonymous data shall mean individual data which do not allow, in their original form or after processing, direct or indirect identification of an individual legal or natural person,
d) direct identification shall mean identification of an individual legal or natural person on the basis of any identifier that can be used without the necessity of spending unreasonable time and effort,
e) indirect identification shall mean a possibility of deducing identification of an individual legal or natural person in a way other than mentioned under d),
f) statistical information shall mean social, economic, demographic, or environmental information aggregated from individual data,
g) statistical purpose is the use for numerical, textual, or graphic description of mass phenomena and processes in the society, the national economy, and in the environment by means of statistical information,
h) statistical survey shall mean the acquisition of data from reporting units for statistical purposes pursuant to this Act,
i) reporting unit shall mean a legal person, a government department, or a natural person, from which data for a Statistical Survey are required pursuant to this Act,
j) reporting duty shall mean the duty of reporting units to provide required individual statistical data timely, completely, correctly and truly for the Statistical Surveys mentioned in the Programme of Statistical Surveys,
k) business shall mean every legal person, government department, that is an accounting entity, mutual fund and, furthermore, a natural person, who is an entrepreneur pursuant to a special regulation,
l) business identification number (hereinafter as “the identification number”) shall mean a numerical code used to identify a respective business,
m) place of business identification number shall mean a numerical code serving to identify the place of a business, which performs activities as determined in the Trade Act;
n) identification code of an internal unit shall mean a numerical code, which identifies the internal unit,
o) internal unit shall mean a statistical unit, which allows a business to be broken down by territory (a local unit) or by activity (a kind-of-activity unit); the local unit and the kind-of activity unit are established according to regulations of the European Communities concerning statistical registers,
p) agricultural activity shall mean agricultural crop and animal production including market vegetable growing, horticulture, apiculture, fishing, breed of fur and other animals, further game hunting and trapping, related agricultural primary production, forestry and logging, as well as related service activities,
q) protection of confidential statistical data shall mean a whole system of measures and tools, which ensure confidential data from statistical surveys performed by the State Statistical Service and data from administrative sources which prevents them from being changed, destructed, lost, transmitted or otherwise misused in an unauthorised way and allows them to be used only for statistical purposes; also compound data embracing more legal or natural persons which allow identification of the data subject without the necessity of spending unreasonable time and effort are subject to this protection,
r) place of usual residence of a foreigner shall mean the address of residence stated in the residence permit if he/she is a foreigner with a residence permit or temporary residence permit or a foreigner staying in the Czech Republic on the basis of a long-term visa under a special Act; a place of usual residence of a foreigner who has been granted asylum under a special Act is the address of residence stated on the card of residence permit of the asylum seeker,
s) statistical districts shall mean the smallest territorial units, which form cadastral territories, and basic settlement units, whose network covers the whole territory of the Czech Republic, that are used for detailed description of territories and establishment of statistical zones,
t) basic settlement unit shall mean a unit representing parts of the territory of a municipality with unambiguous territorial technical and urbanistic conditions or of adjoining territories of groups of residential or recreational buildings,
u) territorial technical unit shall mean a unit defined as a cadastral territory or a thereof separated by the border of a basic settlement unit, i.e. by the border of a municipality, city district, or city part,
v) basic territorial unit shall mean the territory of a municipality or the territory of a military district and, in case the municipality is further divided, the territory of a city district or the territory of a city part, and
w) general government sector shall mean government departments and units, self-governing territorial units, state and other extra-budgetary funds, public universities, health insurance companies and other organisations classified to this sector by the Czech Statistical Office.
§ 3 Authorities Performing the State Statistical Service
- The State Statistical Service is carried out by the Czech Statistical Office.
- The Czech Statistical Office is chaired by its President who is appointed and recalled by the President of the Czech Republic upon a proposal of the Government of the Czech Republic. The position of the President of the Czech Statistical Office is incompatible with membership of a political party or movement. The President of the Czech Statistical Office receives salary and other indemnities associated with the execution of the office at the same level as the President of the Supreme Audit Office under a special act. The President of the Czech Statistical Office is considered to be a civil service body pursuant to the Civil Service Act.
- The Vice-President of the Czech Statistical Office acts as a deputy for the President of the Czech Statistical Office. The Vice-President of the Czech Statistical Office is appointed and recalled by the President of the Czech Statistical Office. In case the President of the Czech Statistical Office has appointed multiple Vice-Presidents he/she shall determine the order in which they would act as deputies.
- The President of the Czech Statistical Office and the Vice-President of the Czech Statistical Office are entitled to give orders to public servants to perform state service pursuant to the Civil Service Act.
- Ministries and other central administrative authorities (hereinafter referred to as "the Ministries") may carry out the State Statistical Service under the conditions and in the scope laid down by this Act. In doing so, they use methodology determined by the Czech Statistical Office and negotiated with ministries.
- Authorities carrying out the State Statistical Service are bound to protect confidential statistical data in the manner set forth in this Act. In case confidential statistical data contain also personal data, these personal data are subject to the protection laid down by a special Act.
§ 4 Terms of Reference of the Czech Statistical Office
- The Czech Statistical Office acquires and processes data for statistical purposes and provides statistical information to government, bodies of territorial self-governed units, to the public, and abroad. It ensures comparability of statistical information at the national as well as international levels. To this end, the Czech Statistical Office
a) determines the methodology, processing, and use of statistical surveys and contents of statistical indicators required to assess social, economic, demographic, and environmental conditions in the Czech Republic and in its respective parts and to assess the nation development,
b) compiles the Programme of Statistical Surveys,
c) performs statistical surveys,
d) compiles aggregate statistical indicators of development of the national economy and of respective parts thereof,
e) compiles national accounts and determines their methodology,
f) prepares macroeconomic analyses and analyses of selected indicators of social, economic, demographic, and environmental development in the Czech Republic and in respective regions thereof,
g) carries out projections of demographic development,
h) compiles statistics on state and changes in the population (hereinafter referred to as "the population statistics"),
i) conducts business cycle surveys,
j) publishes and provides statistical information, including the methodology of its acquisition, and informs the public on social, economic, demographic, and environmental development in the Czech Republic and in respective parts thereof,
k) monitors the compliance with obligations within the State Statistical Service and imposes administrative penalties for their violations,
l) creates and maintains statistical classifications, statistical nomenclatures, and statistical registers, and provides information from these documents,
m) provides statistical information abroad,
n) co-operates with international organisations; in particular is involved in the production of the European Community statistics,
o) uses identification numbers and place of business identification numbers, and
p) performs public administration in the processing of results of elections to assemblies of territorial self-governing units, to the Parliament of the Czech Republic, to the European Parliament carried out on the territory of the Czech Republic, elections of the President of the Czech Republic, and the processing of results of a nation-wide referendum at the extent, which is determined by special legal regulations.
- Moreover, the Czech Statistical Office
a) collects foreign statistical information especially for the purposes of comparison of social, economic, demographic, and environmental development in the Czech Republic with those in other countries; provides acquired information and results of this comparison to government and to the public,
b) publishes the Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic, other professional publications and journals, and
c) provides for the development of new statistical methods.
- The Czech Statistical Office co‑ordinates the State Statistical Service carried out by ministries. To this end, the Czech Statistical Office
a) keeps records of activities carried out by ministries in the area of the State Statistical Service and exerts its influence on ministries to be compliant with measures set forth in this Act to protect confidential statistical data,
b) co-operates with ministries in the preparation of the Programme of Statistical Surveys and takes care that burden on reporting units is not excessive, and
c) unifies methodological procedures of statistical surveys performed by ministries and provides the ministries with methodological assistance in carrying out tasks of the State Statistical Service.
§ 5 Guarantees of the Impartiality of the State Statistical Service
a) While performing the State Statistical Service the Czech Statistical Office follows the law and other legal regulations, applies expert aspects, requirements for the practical use, and professional ethics, and uses scientific methods in the statistical work.
b) The Czech Statistical Office is independent in producing statistical information. While acquiring data and processing and interpreting statistical information the Czech Statistical Office shall proceed the way objectivity of information is not infringed and released information is not restricted or distorted.
§ 6 The Czech Statistical Council
- The Czech Statistical Council (hereinafter as "the Council") is established by the Czech Statistical Office as its advisory body.
- The Council is chaired by the President of the Czech Statistical Office. Members of the Council are appointed and recalled by the President of the Czech Statistical Office from among experts on statistical theory and practice. The Council has 25 members, as maximum. Being a member of the Council is an honorary position.
- The Council discusses the draft of the Programme of Statistical Surveys, gives opinions on proposed statistical surveys without reporting duty and assesses the necessity of data provided to the Czech Statistical Office under Section 9 (1). Other assignments, working methods, and calling of meetings of the Council are regulated by its Statute issued by the President of the Czech Statistical Office.
§ 7 Terms of Reference of Ministries
- Ministries carry out the State Statistical Service in the scope ensuing from the Programme of Statistical Surveys and in the scope ensuing from statistical surveys performed by ministries outside the Programme of Statistical Surveys.
- The Czech Statistical Office involves ministries into the Programme of Statistical Surveys by upon agreements with respective ministry.
- Ministries may perform statistical surveys outside the Programme of Statistical Surveys only within their scope of activity and after prior negotiations with the Czech Statistical Office.
§ 8 Statistical Surveys Among Natural Persons
In statistical surveys, for which natural persons are bound by reporting duty, only the following data may be collected:
a) name and surname, birth certificate number, permanent residence, and possibly place of the respondent’s business,
b) business activities,
c) data referring to real estate property owned or rented by the natural person, and income from such property,
d) agricultural activity, even if not carried out as a business,
e) technical means used for agricultural activities, and
f) acreage and utilisation of agricultural land serving to agricultural purposes other than production.
§ 9 The Use of Administrative Data Sources
- Bodies performing the State Statistical Service use data acquired or collected by ministries and other administrative authorities under special regulations. Ministries and other administrative authorities are bound to provide them with the necessary data on their request in time and free of charge unless otherwise stated by this Act.
- The Czech Statistical Office may require
a) from data obtained at administration of taxes, individual data from tax returns or statements and accounting statements of natural and legal persons, if they have been processed by bodies of the Financial Administration of the Czech Republic or bodies of the Customs Administration of the Czech Republic and are available in a central database in an electronic form, for the needs of compiling of national accounts pursuant to requirements of the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Communities, and for the needs of keeping of statistical registers and for the needs of population and housing censuses; provision of information under this provision is not a violation of confidentiality pursuant to the Tax Procedure Code,
b) data determined in a directly applicable regulation of the European Communities from data obtained in the customs procedure on releasing goods into a proposed customs regime,
c) data from data obtained at performing social security activities, as follows:
1) firm or name of business, in case of legal persons registered office, in the case of natural persons acting as businesses address of permanent residence and address of the place of business, if it differs from address of the permanent residence, and identification of person insured by social security insurance and the contribution to the state employment policy, which is a legal person, organizational units of government or an own-account worker; the identification shall mean the identification number, or in case of natural persons the birth number, if they have no identification number assigned or no identification number is registered at performance of social security,
2) headcount for which the employer is obliged to pay social security insurance and the contribution to the state employment policy.
- For statistical purposes and the maintenance of statistical registers, bodies of self-governing territorial units shall provide the Czech Statistical Office with data from their own information systems upon request and free of charge. Ministries performing the State Statistical Service are entitled to require data for statistical purposes free of charge from bodies of self-governing territorial units only after prior consent given by the Czech Statistical Office.
- The Czech Statistical Office uses individual data on entities classified to the general government sector for statistical purposes related to the calculations of deficit and debt, and for compilation of quarterly and annual non-financial and financial accounts of this sector as required by the European Communities.
- Data provided to the Czech Statistical Office under paragraphs 1 to 3 shall be transmitted in a form not allowing direct identification of the natural or legal person concerned, unless the purpose the data are provided for is foiled.
- Data and information systems serving different purposes may be aggregated for statistical purposes.
- Ministries and other administrative authorities must inform the Czech Statistical Office on which data they have acquired under special acts or which they have collected already.
§ 9a - Repealed
§ 10 The Programme of Statistical Surveys
- The Programme of Statistical Surveys is determined by the Czech Statistical Office by means of a decree prepared in co-operation with ministries and other administrative authorities and always declared not later than 30 November of the preceding year.
- The Programme indicates for each statistical survey the following:
a) the purpose and contents of the statistical survey,
b) a group of reporting units that are subject to the reporting duty,
c) method of the statistical survey,
d) periodicity and deadlines for data providing, and
e) the body performing the statistical survey.
- Reporting units are subject to the reporting duty for the statistical surveys included in the Programme of Statistical Surveys.
§ 11 Statistical Surveys Without Reporting Duty
Statistical surveys other than those included in the Programme of Statistical Surveys may only be performed on grounds of voluntary provision of individual data and with no reporting duty.
§ 12 Population Statistics, and Population and Housing Censuses
The population statistics keeps statistical information on births of children, deaths, marriages, divorces, and changes in permanent residence. In order to produce such pieces of information government bodies and providers of health services are obliged, depending on the nature of their activities, to provide the Czech Statistical Office with confidential statistical data on birth number, address of permanent residence, place of usual residence of an alien and the place of usual residence of an alien who was granted asylum pursuant to a special act, citizenship, birth characteristics of a newborn, marital status, order of marriage (divorce), number of underage children in marriages being divorced, causes of the family disintegration, if found, causes of death, length of life of a died suckling infant, place and time of the event observed.
§ 12a Census Information System
- For the purposes of this Act and compliance with the duties stipulated by directly applicable provisions of the European Union on migration and international protection, European demographic statistics, population and housing census a Census Information System is established as an information system of the public administration.
- Administration of this non-public information system of the public administration is ensured by the Czech Statistical Office.
- When establishing the Census Information System, the Digital and Information Agency will ensure by means of services of basic registers a transfer of the agenda identifier of a natural person to the agenda identifier of a natural person of the Czech Statistical Office.
- The Digital and Information Agency provides the Czech Statistical Office with the agenda identifier of newly established natural persons in the basic Population Register by means of services designated for that.
§ 13 Agricultural Censuses
- Agricultural censuses are conducted by the Czech Statistical Office or by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic in co-operation with municipalities. Municipalities provide for data collection, using questionnaires received from the body carrying out the census; this body reimburses related expenses incurred by the municipalities.
- Persons authorised by the municipality to conduct agricultural censuses are entitled to become familiar with confidential statistical data they need to perform their assignments; they may not publish these data, or communicate them to anyone but employees of the body conducting the agricultural census.
§ 14 Co-operation with Municipalities
Municipalities provide authorities performing statistical surveys among natural persons with necessary assistance within the extent agreed and for a reimbursement of expenses incurred.
§ 15 Conditions of Performing Reporting Duty
- Expenses related to the compliance with the reporting duty incurred by the reporting unit shall be borne by this reporting unit.
- Bodies carrying out the State Statistical Service must send the relevant printed questionnaires or technical media to the reporting unit free of charge and provide the unit with the necessary methodological assistance in order to conduct Statistical Surveys
- The compliance with the reporting duty cannot be refused with reference to provisions of special regulations concerning the observation of commercial confidence.
§ 16 Secrecy and Confidential Statistical Data Protection
- Employees of bodies carrying out the State Statistical Service or persons processing statistical surveys or collecting data for agricultural censuses shall be subject to secrecy of confidential data they have knowledge of. To this end, they must be sworn to secrecy upon entering their employment or before they start the relevant work.
- The wording of the pledge to secrecy: “I promise upon my honour that I shall not make public, communicate to anyone or allow anyone to have knowledge of confidential statistical data acquired for statistical purposes I shall become familiar with in compliance with the Act No. 89/1995 Sb. on the State Statistical Service, as amended, and that I shall use these individual data only for relevant purposes.” These persons are sworn to secrecy by the respective minister, head of the administrative authority, or by a person authorised by the minister or head.
- The person is sworn after saying "I do promise" when they hear the wording and sign the relevant document. The document must include the date when the person was sworn.
- Providing or making a confidential statistical datum public under Section 17 of this Act is not considered as the breach of secrecy.
- The obligation of secrecy shall last even the contract of employment or relevant work agreement have been terminated.
- Bodies performing the State Statistical Service must not give any opportunity to get familiar with confidential statistical data to persons not sworn the pledge of secrecy.
§ 17 Provision of Confidential Statistical Data
- Bodies carrying out the State Statistical Service
a) may provide each other with confidential statistical data if the data are needed for the purposes of the State Statistical Service, in a way protecting data confidentiality; in this way they may also provide each other with confidential statistical data for the production of European Community statistics.
b) may, if necessary for performing their duties of producing statistical information, transmit confidential statistical data to another person who is contracted to ensure their processing for statistical purposes,
c) may transmit a confidential statistical datum abroad if necessary for the Czech Republic to honour an international treaty or agreement and if the receiving party guarantees the protection of the datum at least at the level guaranteed in the Czech Republic,
d) provide a confidential statistical datum to a court of law if necessary for ruling on the breach of secrecy laid down by this Act,
e) provide confidential statistical data for the purposes of the production of European Community statistics in compliance with the European Community law,
f) transmit confidential statistical data for the purposes of scientific research, on grounds of an agreement stipulating the conditions of confidential statistical data protection and the exact way of using the data in compliance with the European Community law, to legal persons whose fundamental mission is scientific research; the data are provided in a form not allowing Direct Identification of the statistical unit concerned, and
g) transmit individual data to the Czech National Bank for statistical purposes if necessary for the Czech Republic or for the Czech National Bank to honour international treaties and agreements.
- In exceptional instances, bodies performing the State Statistical Service may publish, provide or use a confidential statistical datum for other than statistical purposes if provided for by a special Act or if the data subject gives consent. If this datum applies to a legal person, this consent must be signed by the statutory authority. This consent must be in writing and must be clear about what individual datum is addressed, how and by whom it may be used. The data subject may withdraw the consent any time, but the withdrawal has no retroactive effect.
- If it is not possible to acquire data from more than one data subject within a set of reporting units determined by the methodology of the statistical survey, authorities carrying out the State Statistical Service may publish or provide data relating to this solitary case unless the data subject is identifiable within the circumstances.
- Activities of persons mentioned in Section 17 of this Act engaged in the processing of confidential statistical data on natural persons for statistical purposes are governed by a special Act, with the exception of Section 5 (1) (c).
§ 18 Provision of Statistical Information and Anonymous Data
1. The Czech Statistical Office makes the results of statistical surveys available to the public by means of mass media, Office own publications, and other media and ways enabling remote access, and, further
a) provides the Parliament of the Czech Republic, President of the Czech Republic, Government of the Czech Republic, Supreme Audit Office, ministries and other administrative authorities, courts of law, Czech National Bank, Security Information Service, State Agricultural Intervention Fund and bodies of self-governing territorial units with requested produced statistical information free of charge,
b) provides produced statistical information and anonymous data upon request to anyone in return for payment amounting to costs related to making copies, price of media and delivery of produced statistical information and anonymous data, and
c) may prepare and provide further statistical information on a contractual basis for a price fixed by an agreement.
2. Statistical information is provided abroad free of charge only on a mutual exchange basis or if set forth in an international treaty or convention. In other cases, the providing of statistical information abroad is regulated by paragraph 1 on the providing of statistical information against payment.
3. The Czech Statistical Office releases statistical information at the time, in the scope and manner announced in advance in the mass media, own publications and other media and, further, in a way making possible remote access.
4. Statistical information collected or produced by processing of data from the population statistics may be provided and published even if it relates to a solitary case. This information may not include name, surname, birth registration number, full date of birth, and full residence address of the person concerned. Data relating to a solitary case may not be provided or published as long as it is possible to identify the person the data are about taking into account the circumstances.
5. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 apply similarly also to the publishing and providing of statistical information by ministries carrying out the State Statistical Service. Ministries provide international organisations with statistical information published by the Czech Statistical Office. In case ministries provide other statistical information, they shall inform the Czech Statistical Office on the providing of the statistical information.
§ 19 Statistical Classifications and Statistical Nomenclatures
- The Czech Statistical Office, in co-operation with Ministries, creates Statistical Classifications and Statistical Nomenclatures (hereinafter as "classifications") and provides information from them.
- The issue of a classification is announced by the Czech Statistical Office in the Collection of Laws and International Treaties (Sbírka zákonů a mezinárodních smluv), indicating the place where classifications are available.
- Classifications are binding for bodies carrying out the State Statistical Service and for reporting units when providing data for statistical surveys, when processing them, and also in such cases as determined by a special legal regulation.
§ 19a Statistical Registers
- The Czech Statistical Office administers the Statistical Business Register and the Register of Census Districts and Buildings. In the scope set forth in this Act these registers constitute a public list.
- For the needs of the State Statistical Service, particularly for the preparation of statistical surveys, the Czech Statistical Office builds up the Farm Register.
- Registers mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 make a mutually linked system.
- Also changes of data contained in Statistical Registers under paragraphs 1 and 2 are recorded in these registers.
§ 20 The Business Register
- The Czech Statistical Office enters a business into the Statistical Business Register on the basis of data acquired under special acts or this Act. The entry into the Register is only of registration importance.
- The data entered into the Statistical Business Register are as follows:
a) identification number,
b) business (firm) name,
c) residence of legal persons and government departments and units, place of business activities of natural persons,
d) territorial identification of residence or place of business activities, postal address, and telecommunication connections if possible,
e) scope of business activities or other activities,
f) legal form,
g) date of foundation of the legal person or government department or units; date of issuing a license or registration document of the natural person or date of entry authorising a natural person to carry out business activities,
h) date and cause of winding up of the legal person or government department or unit; date and cause of termination of authorisation of the natural person to carry out business activities,
i) size category of the business,
j) national accounts sector (classification),
k) birth certificate number of the natural person,
l) number of employees,
m) income (yield),
n) amount of basic capital or foundation capital or stock capital,
o) acreage of agricultural utilised area and managed forest land,
p) acreage of managed arable land,
q) activity or inactivity of the business,
r) value of goods received from other Member States of the European Communities in relevant calendar period,
s) value of goods dispatched to other Member States of the European Communities in relevant calendar period, and
t) agenda identifier of the natural person.
- Internal units of businesses are also entered into the Statistical Business Register. A business shall provide data necessary for entering the internal unit into the Register upon request by the Czech Statistical Office.
- Data on internal units, which are entered into the Statistical Business Register, are
a) identification code,
b) type of internal unit,
c) name,
d) address and territorial identification,
e) scope of activities,
f) date of establishing,
g) date of dissolving,
h) size category,
i) number of employees,
j) revenues, and
k) identification number of the place of business.
- When the Internal Unit is an accommodation establishment, the following is entered into the Statistical Business Register in addition to data under paragraph 4:
a) type of category and seasonality of an accommodation establishment,
b) capacity of an accommodation establishment used for temporary accommodation of persons, and
c) number of persons working with the accommodation establishment.
- The Czech Statistical Office continually updates the Statistical Business Register. To this end, the Czech Statistical Office is entitled to request a business to provide the necessary data once a year. A business is bound to answer this request by the time required.
- Data on a local unit mentioned in paragraph 2 (a) to (j), paragraph 4 (a) to (h) and paragraph 5 (a) are public and may be provided to anyone upon request.
- Data mentioned in paragraph 2 (k) to (t), paragraph 4 on kind-of-activity units, in paragraph 4 (i) and (j) on Local Units and in paragraph 5 (b) and (c) are not public, unless otherwise stipulated by a special Act. The Czech Statistical Office shall provide them to a ministry performing the State Statistical Service and to other government institution or territorial government if this institution or government is entitled to acquire the requested data by a special Act and if they are not data acquired for statistical purposes.
§ 20a Register of Enumeration Districts and Buildings
- The Czech Statistical Office administers data on census districts, records territorial identification elements, and data on buildings on the territory of the Czech Republic in the Register of Census Districts and Buildings based on data acquired under special legal regulations or under this Act.
- The Register of Census Districts and Buildings is a hierarchical system of registered objects which tracks their interrelations and changes in contents, time and space.
- A part of the Register is spatial data on direct location of registered phenomena which are defined in accordance with relevant topographic bases.
- The Register of Census Districts and Buildings records
a) a system of territorial elements and territorial registration units which tracks territorial, administrative, settlement, and statistical structures; and
b) buildings or parts thereof (entrances) with assigned land-registry numbers or street numbers.
- For the purposes of the Register it creates
a) a system of territorial elements: territory of the Czech Republic, territories of cohesion regions, territories of higher self-governing territorial units, regions, districts, municipalities, city districts and city parts, resp., basic territorial units, cadastral territory, territorial-technical unit, basic settlement unit, statistical district, and plot; and
b) the system of territorial registration units is formed by: municipality part, street and other open public spaces.
Information on individual territorial elements and territorial registration units entered into the Register includes also size categories and administrative districts to which territories belong.
- The following data on buildings are entered into the Register of Census Districts and Buildings:
a) identification code of the building,
b) territorial identification of the building, address, and location,
c) month and year of the building completion,
d) month and year of the building was cleared away,
e) reason for the building was cleared away,
f) type of owner,
g) occupancy of the house,
h) number of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings,
i) ground coverage of the building in square metres,
j) enclosed volume of the building in cubic metres,
k) floor space of the building in square metres,
l) number of above-ground storeys,
m) character of the building,
n) type of vertical load-bearing structure,
o) connection to the water mains,
p) connection to the sewerage system,
q) connection to the gas supply,
r) type of heating,
s) lift in the house,
t) structure code,
u) address point code, and
v) number of inhabitants registered in the building.
- As to buildings with at least one dwelling, also individual dwellings characterised by the following information are recorded in the Register of Census Districts and Buildings:
a) identification code of the dwelling,
b) dwelling number in the house,
c) storey (floor),
d) occupancy of the dwelling,
e) total and habitable floor space of the dwelling in square metres,
f) number of habitable rooms,
g) type of heating,
h) connection of the dwelling to water main, gas and hot water supply, and
i) sanitary facilities (bathroom, shower, toilet).
- The Czech Statistical Office records in the Register of Census Districts and Buildings changes of data entered under paragraphs 5 to 7. To this end it uses data acquired from administrative sources, from regular statistical surveys under this Act and data acquired from population and housing censuses.
- Identification code of a building and identification code of a dwelling is used for unambiguous identification of a building and dwelling, respectively. These identification codes are only of registration importance and are assigned by the Czech Statistical Office to each building and each dwelling upon their entry into the Register of Census Districts and Buildings.
- Data mentioned in paragraph 5 and paragraph 6 excluding (g) are public and may be provided to anyone under conditions stipulated by a special legal regulation.
- Data mentioned in paragraph 6 g) and in paragraph 7 are not public. The Czech Statistical Office shall provide them to a ministry performing the State Statistical Service and to other government institution or territorial government if this institution or government is entitled to acquire the requested data by a special act.
§ 20b Farm Register
- The Farm Register comprises information on persons carrying out agricultural activities, provided that the scope of these activities corresponds with legal regulations.
- The Register contains:
a) business name, residence of legal persons, residence and place of business if different from residence of natural persons,
b) identification number,
c) birth certificate number of natural persons,
d) data business name, residence of legal persons, residence and place of business if different from acquired in the statistical survey,
e) category of size and category of production orientation,
f) data on production quotas, grants and subsidies, and
g) agenda identifier of a natural person.
- If a person entered into the Register is a business, its internal units (Section 20 (3)) are also maintained in the Register.
- The Farm Register is not public.
§ 20c - Repealed
§ 20d - Repealed
§ 21 - Repealed
§ 21a Updating Data in the Statistical Business Register
The Digital and Information Agency allows the Czech Statistical Office to have access to data from reference data of basic registers of public administration in order to update the Statistical Business Register at the extent of data as given in Section 20 (2) a) through h) and u), and in case the data are on a place of business than in the extent as given in Section 20 (4) a), c) through g), and k) of the Act.
§ 22 - Repealed
§ 23 Identification Code of an Internal Unit
- An identification code is used for unambiguous identification of an internal unit and is only of registration importance.
- An identification code is assigned to an internal unit by the Czech Statistical Office which communicates the identification code to the appropriate business always in connection with a statistical survey.
§ 24
The allocation of identification code of an internal unit and termination of the identification code are not regulated by provisions of the Administrative procedure Code.
§ 25
- A person, who is an employee of a body carrying out the State Statistical Service, or a person processing statistical surveys or collecting data for agricultural censuses commits a misdemeanour by breaching the obligation of secrecy pursuant to Section 16 (1).
- A fine of up to CZK 200 000, may be charged for the misdemenaour pursuant to paragraph 1
§ 26
A legal or natural person acting as business commits a misdemeanour by non compliance with the reporting duty pursuant to Section 10 (3).
The fine of up to CZK 100 000 can be charged for the misdemeanour pursuant to paragraph 1.
§ 26a
Misdemeanours pursuant to this Act are dealt with
a) the body of the State Statistical Service which employee, or a person who was delegated by the body to perform a statistical survey, has breached the obligation of secrecy, if it is a misdemeanour pursuant to Section 25 (1); and
b) the body of the State Statistical Service in which statistical survey the reporting duty was not complied with, if it is a misdemeanour pursuant to Section 26 (1).
Authorising and Closing Provisions
§ 27
The Czech Statistical Office lays down, by means of a decree, the following:
a) procedure for the preparation of the Programme of Statistical Surveys (Section 10);
b) the Programme of Statistical Surveys (Section 10); and
c) criteria for entry into the Farm Register according to Section 20 (b) (1).
§ 28
- The Regional Statistical Administration for the Středočeský Region and the Municipal Statistical Administration for the Capital of Prague are cancelled as at 1 July 1995. The rights and duties ensuing from labour-law relations of employees of these Administrations, as well as tangible property and property rights including obligations relating to this property, as well as other rights and obligations, pass to the Czech Statistical Office as at 30 June 1995.
- The Regional Statistical Administrations for the Jihočeský, Zapadočeský, Severočeský, Vychodočeský, and Severomoravský Regions are cancelled as at 1 January 1996. The rights and duties ensuing from labour-law relations of employees of these Regional Offices, as well as tangible property and property rights, including obligations relating to this property, as well as other rights and obligations, pass to the Czech Statistical Office as at 31 December 1995.
- Existing regulations, including the provisions of Sections 6 to 8 of the Act No. 278/1992 Sb. of the Czech National Council, on the State Statistical Service, shall apply to the activities of the Regional Statistical Administrations and the Municipal Statistical Administration for the Capital City of Prague since the date this Act comes into force to the date of cancellation mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2.
- The provisions of this Act on confidential statistical data protection shall also apply to data acquired for statistical purposes before this Act became effective.
- Statistical surveys started before this Act came into effect shall be completed according to existing regulations.
- The standard labelling and coding of measuring units and economic quantity units implemented by the Decree No 671/1980 03 of the Federal Statistical Office and statistical classifications and nomenclatures declared by the Czech Statistical Office according to the Act No 278/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, on the State Statistical Service, are regarded as statistical classifications and nomenclatures produced according to this Act.
- The Register of Reporting Units built pursuant to the Act No 278/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, on the State Statistical Service, is regarded as the Statistical Business Register according to this Act.
- Identification numbers that were assigned to businesses in compliance with legal regulations in force before this Act became effective are regarded as identification numbers assigned in compliance with this Act.
- Within six months after this Act became effective, a business that was assigned more identification numbers before this Act came into force shall communicate to the Czech Statistical Office the identification numbers assigned and bodies that assigned them. Within 60 days of the receipt of this communication, the Czech Statistical Office shall inform the business about which identification number it is entitled to use hereafter. This information shall be sent to all bodies that assigned the identification numbers. The same holds for the Czech Statistical Office in case the Czech Statistical Office itself finds that one business was assigned more identification numbers.
§ 29
Regulations are hereby revoked as follows:
- The Act No 278/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, on the State Statistical Service.
- Section 1 to 22, Section 23(1, 2, 3, and 5), Section 24 to 35 of the Act No 21/1971 Sb on the standard system of socio-economic information, as amended by the Act No 128/1989 Sb.
- The Act No 40/1972 Sb of the Czech National Council, on powers given to authorities of the Czech Socialist Republic in the area of socio-economic information.
- The Act No 171/1989 Sb of the Czech National Council, amending and completing Act No 40/1972 Sb passed by the Czech National Council, on powers given to authorities of the Czech Socialist Republic in the area of socio-economic information.
- The Decree No 243/1988 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office and the Federal Ministry of Finance, on statistical surveys and financial reporting.
- The Decree No 71/1965 Sb of the Central Commission of People’s Control and Statistics, on implementation and use of the Standard Classification of Industrial Branches and Products; and Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products.
- The Decree No 9/1966 Sb of the Central Commission of People’s Control and Statistics, on price control and statistics.
- The Decree No 113/1972 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on implementation and use of the Standard Classification of Branches of National Economy.
- The Decree No 114/1972 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on implementation and use of the Standard Classification of Outputs.
- The Decree No 115/1972 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on implementation and use of the Standard Classification of Countries.
- The Decree No 116/1972 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on building and maintenance of Branch Nomenclatures of Industrial Products.
- The Decree No 117/1972 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the Standard Nomenclature of Organisations in the CSSR.
- The Decree No 95/1976 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the Standard Classification of Fixed Assets.
- The Decree No 124/1980 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the Standard Classification of Types of Constructions and Construction Work of Productive Nature.
- The Decree No 156/1980 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, amending and completing Decree No 95/1976 Sb on Standard Classification of Fixed Assets.
- The Decree No 117/1981 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on implementation and use of the Standard Classification of Industrial Work of Productive Nature.
- The Decree No 81/1982 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the Standard Classification of Education.
- The Decree No 58/1983 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on verification of socio-economic information in branches controlled by the Federal Statistical Office.
- The Decree No 47/1985 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the standard system of indicators of the national economy.
- The Decree No 97/1985 Sb of the Federal Statistical Office, on the Standard Classification of Occupations.
- The Decree of the State Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 463/318-30/7-54) and the Ministry of Finance (Ref No 181/99.680/54) of 4 August 1954 on patterns of primary records on investment (construction and assembly) work (Chapter 99/1954, Official Publ.).
- The Decree of the State Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 463/35-17/3-55) and the Ministry of Finance (Ref No 182/31.400/55) of 31 March 1955 on patterns of primary records on housing economy (Chapter 39/1955, Official Publ.).
- The Decree of the State Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 463/56-16/5-55) and the Ministry of Finance (Ref No 181/45.713/55) of 17 May 1955 on patterns of primary records on monetary intercourse – accounting advance and head of the invoice (Chapter 52/1955, Official Publ.).
- The Decree of the State Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 463/124-23/9-55) and the Ministry of Finance (Ref No 181/106.396/55) of 27 September 1955 on extension of terms to introduce some patterns of primary records and their orders (Chapter 102/1955, Official Publ.).
- The Decree of the State Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 463/26-19/4-58) and the Ministry of Finance (Ref No 182/126.854/58) of 29 April 1958 on decentralisation of control of standard primary records (Chapter 35/1958, Official Publ.).
- Instructions of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 16 326/73) of 31 July 1973 on reporting of indicators of standard records on people working in selected organisations and selected territorial units (registered in Chapter 3/1974 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 19844/74) of 28 December 1974 on tasks of concerns in the area of socio-economic information (registered in Chapter 28/1974 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 13662/75) of 1 February 1975 on authorising organisations with the function of coordinators in building and maintaining branch nomenclatures of industrial products (registered in Chapter 16/1975 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 18685/1975) of 29 October 1975 on branch classification of organisations (registered in Chapter 38/1975 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No Vk 1842/75) of 30 October 1975 on state statistical reports in the field of selected monthly indicators – 27 indicators (registered in Chapter 11/1976 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 8743/1976) of 26 May 1976 establishing completed and amended Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 33/1976 Sb).
- Principles of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No XV/31-24 439/1973) of 29 October 1973 for audit and approval of annual financial statements of budgetary and semi-budgetary organisations (registered in Chapter 7/1974 Sb).
- Definitions of basic rules binding for bookkeeping in organisations (Ref No XV/1/24 432/1976) of 10 December 1976 (registered in Chapter 12/1977 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No XV/3/30 823/1976) of 31 December 1976 establishing branch formula for the calculation of own costs and other price components of products, work and services in economic organisations in the area of culture including related instructions (registered in Chapter 12/1977 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No XV/3/30 988/1976) of 31 December 1976 establishing branch formula for the calculation of own costs and other price components of products, work and services, with the exception of accommodation, in enterprises of internal trade and in consumer co-operatives including related instructions (registered in Chapter 12/1977 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No XV/2-7 868/1977) of 12 April 1977 establishing list of organisations for which chart of accounts for membership and other organisations is binding (registered in Chapter 9/1978 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1793/78-032-918) of 9 June 1978 regulating numerical denomination of Regions and Districts in the CSFR (registered in Chapter 25/1978 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 1793/78-032-918) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No 3045/78) of 20 February 1978 establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of labour and wages (registered in Chapter 25/1978 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 2128/78-03) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/4-9352/78) establishing standard invoice for deliveries on non-investment nature (registered in Chapter 25/1978 Sb).
- Amendments to the Directive of the Federal Statistical Office “13/1 ODV” (No Vk 4369/79) of 14 July 1978 on state statistical reports in the area of customer-supplier and producer-consumer relations (registered in Chapters 17/1979 Sb and 25/1978 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2997/78-032-1615) of 15 August 1978 amending the Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 31/1978 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 20798/78-03 of 31 May 1978) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/4-14308/78 of 20 July 1978) establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of fixed assets and investment (registered in Chapter 31/1978 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 4404/78) of 15 August 1978 completing Directives “5 Iv” (registered in Chapter 31/1978 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No XV/3-4 731/1979) of 9 March 1979 establishing branch formula for the calculation of own costs and other price components of TV programme including related instructions (registered in Chapter 9/1979 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No XV/2-23 530/1978) of 6 December 1978 on bookkeeping of local governments of small municipalities, small shops run by local governments, subsidised organisations, small semi-budgetary organisations, small church organisations and other small organisations (registered in Chapter 9/1979 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 981/79-033.87) of 20 March 1979 establishing standard patterns of technical characteristics in the area of energy economy (registered in Chapter 22/1979 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 876/79-032-331) of 8 March 1979 on completing the Standard Classification of Branches of National Economy (registered in Chapter 22/1979 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 3668/79-03) of 4 December 1979 on further update to the Standard Classification of Countries (registered in Chapter 28/1979 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1388/79-032.545) of 10 April 1979 changing codes of the Standard Nomenclature of Organisations in the CSSR (registered in Chapter 22/1979 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 1685/80-033-117) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/1-5980/1980) of 6 June 1980 establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of financial operations (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 3704/79-03) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/4-18806/79) of 7 December 1979 establishing patterns of primary records and current records in the area of road transport (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 795/80-033-49 of 21 March 1980) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/4-14421/79 of 20 August 1979) establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of sale and supply (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 877/80-03) of 28 April 1980 establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of technical development, inventions and innovations (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 3051/79-03) of 27 September 1979 establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of energy (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1585/80-03) of 3 June 1980 on layout of written media carrying socio-economic information and on provision of socio-economic information on technical carriers (registered in Chapter 23/1980 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2754/800-032-1504) of 24 October 1980 on adjustments to the Standard Classification of Industrial Branches and Products (registered in Chapter 2/1981 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 250/81-03-160) of 27 January 1981 on further adjustments to the Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 12/1981 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 3151/80) of 22 December 1980 on standard database of organisations in the area of labour, wages and salaries and social affairs (registered in Chapter 12/1981 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 210/81-03) of 30 January 1981 on standard database of organisations in the area of basic personnel characteristics (registered in Chapter 12/1981 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 407/81) of 23 July 1980 on state statistical reports in the area of industrial wholesale prices (registered in Chapter 12/1981 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 209/81-03) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/1-1796/81) of 30 January 1981 on contents and form of catalogues of standard database of organisations (registered in Chapter 13/1981 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 208/81-03) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/1-1768/81) of 30 January 1981 on standard database of organisations in the area of characteristics of general nature (registered in Chapter 13/1981 Sb).
- Instructions of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1454/81-03) of 27 May 1981 on procedure in submitting proposals for departmental statistical surveys and on creating partial systems of statistical surveys (registered in Chapter 17/1981 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 700/81-03) of 11 March 1981 establishing standard patterns of primary records and current records in the area of public catering and canteens (registered in Chapter 21/1981 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 1102/82) of 29 June 1981 amending Directives “23/2 Ceny VC” (registered in Chapter 21/1981 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 1504/82) of 1 December 1981 amending Directives “2/2 Roč. Prum.” (registered in Chapter 34/1981 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 2261/81-03) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No XV/14312/81) of 26 August 1981 establishing patterns of primary records and current records in road transport under automated data processing (registered in Chapter 3/1982 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 710/1982) of 19 March 1982 on observations of exceeding binding limits of some kinds of petroleum products (registered in Chapter 7/1982 Sb).
- Instructions of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No XV/1-10 964/1981) of 23 June 1981 on accounting corrections found in bookkeeping of economic organisations and organisations that account according to chart of accounts for economic organisations (registered in Chapter 8/1982 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1984/81-03) of 24 July 1981 on new published Standard Classification of Outputs (registered in Chapter 10/1982).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 1787/83) of 2 July 1982 on state statistical reports in the area of geological survey and bitumen extraction “26 Geo” (registered in Chapter 31/1982 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No XV/2-4 066/1982) of 9 March 1982 establishing chart of accounts for budgetary organisations (registered in Chapter 351/1982 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 2077/83) of 28 December 1982 amending Directives “2/1 Prum” (registered in Chapter 4/1983 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (No. 2067/83) of 2 December 1982 amending Directives “18 Nem-Ur.” (registered in Chapter 5/1983 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No XV/1-9 100/1982) of 20 May 1982 establishing branch formula for calculation of research and development work and related instructions (registered in Chapter 10/1983 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2096/83) of 8 April 1983 on observation of experimental verification of measures for higher efficiency of external economic relations (registered in Chapter 19/1983 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2407/83) of 2 November 1983 establishing standard patterns of “Protocol on construction work done”, “Protocol on deliveries of machinery and equipment (including assembly work) – assembly work” and “List of work and deliveries carried out” (registered in Chapter 5/1984 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 2371/84) of 4 August 1983 on report “ORG 2-99” – Report on Updates of the Business Register (registered in Chapter 5/1984 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 2497/84) of 28 November 1983 on testing and completing of the sample of products – representatives measured of the FSO for calculation of the price index of supplies to agriculture and finding data to determine weighting pattern of “Ceny D Zem” (registered in Chapter 5/1984 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2682/83-413) of 8 December 1983 on further amendment to the Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 14/1984 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2020/83) of 15 November 1982 –Czechoslovak Statistical Service on completing the registration form of construction “Iv RS 3-50”, alteration registration form of construction “Iv RS 3a-50” and list of registration numbers of constructions “Iv RS L-24” (registered in Chapter 14/1984 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2766/84) of 6 July 1984 amending Directive “23/2 Ceny VC” (registered in Chapter 21/1984 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2633/84) of 22 February 1984 on non-recurrent sample survey on wages and salaries in June 1984 for reporting units (registered in Chapters 14/1984 Sb and 21/1984 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2872/85) of 20 September 1984 on ad-hoc survey on utilisation of selected machinery and equipment in September 1985 “Zp 1985-B” (registered in Chapter 22/1984 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1687/84-41) of 12 July 1984 on new issue of the Standard Classification of Industrial Branches and Products (registered in Chapter 1/1985 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 2538/84-41) of 21 November 1984 on further amendment to the Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 1/1985 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1753/85-22) of 8 August 1985 on amendment to the Standard Classification of Industrial Branches and Products (registered in Chapter 33/1985 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1752/85-22) of 8 August 1985 on amendment to the Standard Classification of Agricultural and Forestry Products (registered in Chapter 33/1985 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1751/85-22) of 8 August 1985 on adjustments to the Standard Classification of Branches of National Economy (registered in Chapter 33/1985 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (Ref No 1754/85-22) of 8 August 1985 on amendment to the Standard Classification of Outputs (registered in Chapter 33/1985 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 6/86) of 11 June 1985 on state statistical reports in the area of fixed assets (registered in Chapter 1/1986 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 2/86) of 11 June 1985 on state statistical reports in the area of agricultural amelioration and reclaiming of land (registered in Chapter 1/1986 Sb).
- The Directive of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 208/86) of 17 June 1985 on state statistical reports in the area of demography (registered in Chapter 1/1986 Sb).
- Annex to the Directives of Federal Statistical Office “13/2 Energ.”, “List of contents of indicators of specific consumption of fuel and energy” (No Vk 257/86) of 11 July 1985 (registered in Chapter 1/1986 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No VII/2-21 700/1985) of 12 December 1985 establishing Chart of Accounts and Directive on chart of accounts for monetary and insurance institutions (registered in Chapter 7/1986 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No VII/2-23 316/1985) of 17 December 1985 establishing Chart of Accounts and Directive on chart of accounts for membership and other organisations (registered in Chapter 7/1986 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No VII/2-22 873/1985) of 23 December 1985 establishing amendment to Chart of Accounts and Directive on chart of accounts for budgetary organisations (registered in Chapter 13/1986 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 2105/85-456-22) of 17 December 1985 and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No VII/1-21286/85) of 13 November 1985 amending Annex to Decree of the FSO and FMF establishing patterns of primary records and current records in the area of road transport (registered in Chapter 19/1986 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (FSO Ref No 2392/85-22-407) of 21 November 1985 and the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF Ref No VII/2-17763/85) of 7 October 1985 amending Annex 4 to Decree of the FSO and FMF establishing standard pattern of invoice for deliveries of non-investment nature (registered in Chapter 19/1986 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Statistical Office (No Vk 716/86) of 17 December 1986 on statistical reporting on selected integration actions in the USSR (registered in Chapter 7/1987 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No VII/1-11 532/1987) of 30 June 1987 amending Directive on calculation of own costs and other components of output price (registered in Chapter 18/1987 Sb).
- The Decree of the Federal Ministry of Finance (Ref No V/2-19 400/1988) of 28 November 1988 on bookkeeping of small organisations (registered in Chapter 47/1988 Sb).
§ 30 Amendment to the Act No 2/1969 Sb of the Czech National Council, on establishment of ministries and other bodies of central government of the Czech Republic, as amended
The Act No 2/1969 Sb of the Czech National Council, on establishment of ministries and other bodies of central government of the Czech Republic, as amended by the Act No 34/1970 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 60/1988 Sb of the Czech National Council, Legal Measure No 9/1990 Sb of the Presidium of the Czech National Council, Act No 126/1990 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 203/1990 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 288/1990 Sb of the Czech National Council, Legal Measure No 305/1990 Sb of the Presidium of the Czech National Council, Act No 575/1990 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 173/1991 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 283/1991 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 19/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 23/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 167/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 239/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, Legal Measure No 350/1992 Sb of the Presidium of the Czech National Council, Act No 358/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 359/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 474/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 548/1992 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 21/1993 Sb of the Czech National Council, Act No 166/1993 Sb and the Act No 47/1994 Sb, has been amended as follows:
In Section 2 (3), the words “Presidium of the Czech National Council” are replaced by the wording “the President of the Czech Republic upon the proposal of the Government of the Czech Republic”.
§ 31 Force
This Act shall come into force since 15 June 1995.
UHDE, in his own hand
HAVEL, in his own hand
KLAUS, in his own hand
Selected provisions of amendments
Article II, Act No 411/2000 Sb
Transitional Provisions
Preparation and announcement of the Programme of Statistical Surveys 2001 and statistical surveys in 2001 shall be carried out according to current provisions.