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European Regional and Urban statistics

Eurostat's Regional and Urban Data
Single access point to Eurostat's activities in regions and cities statistics.

Eurostat Regional Yearbook
Statistical information is an important tool for understanding and quantifying the impact of political decisions in a specific territory or region. The Eurostat regional yearbook 2020 provides a detailed picture relating to a broad range of statistical topics across the regions of the EU Member States, as well as the regions of the United Kingdom, the EFTA and candidate countries. Each chapter presents statistical information in the form of maps, figures and infographics, accompanied by a descriptive analysis highlighting the main findings. Regional indicators are presented for the following 13 subjects: population, health, education, the labour market, living conditions, the economy, business, research and innovation, the digital society, tourism, transport, the environment and agriculture.

Eurostat Regional Yearbook 2020 Edition

GISCO (the Geographical Information System at the COmmission)
GISCO, a Eurostat service which promotes and stimulates the use of GIS within the European Statistical System and the Commission.
A geographic Information System (GIS) integrates hardware, software and data for capturing, managing, analysing and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.
A GIS allows you to map where things are, map quantities, map densities, analyse spatial relationships and visualise data and statistics in ways that reveal interactions and patterns.

Urban Audit
A range of indicators covering most aspects relating to quality of life in cities in the EU, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey (demography, housing, health, labour market, education, environment, etc.).

Metropolitan Regions
Metropolitan regions are NUTS3 regions or a combination of NUTS3 regions which represent all agglomerations of at least 250 000 inhabitants.

NUTS classification
The current NUTS 2013 classification is valid from 1 January 2015 and lists 98 regions at NUTS 1, 276 regions at NUTS 2 and 1342 regions at NUTS 3 level.