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European Statistics Day 2019

On Sunday 20 October, the statistical community all over Europe celebrated already the fourth European Statistics Day. Statisticians thus commemorated importance of reliable and objective data for functioning of the society. The Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) joined the celebrations again, too.

On its social media Twitter account the CZSO started already during the week commencing on the 14 October to gradually post its contributions, in which it compared selected statistical data of the Czech Republic with the data for the entire European Union. They were, for example, life expectancy, GDP dynamics, share of the population with secondary education, or the number of households with connection to the Internet. On Sunday 20 October, the CZSO shared a contribution of Eurostat to the European Statistics Day.

On the Instagram social network the CZSO published 5 posts in total; they were about the population development as for the number of weddings, divorces, mortality, or the mean age of women at birth.

On YouTube Czech statisticians presented a video translated into English, which showed (based on data from a hundred years ago and today) how our society has changed over the last century. An infographics based on the video was very positively welcomed on social networks Twitter and LinkedIn as well as among journalists.

On Monday 21 October, the CZSO published a press release referring to the European Statistics Day, in which it published popular information, which is highly demanded by the public, about first names of children born in January 2019. On Twitter and on the CZSO website, the press release was accompanied by 10 infographics showing the list of top most popular first names, most frequent first names in individual regions, and unusual first names of boys and girls.

In the premises of the headquarters of the Czech Statistical Office, one can also see an exhibition of selected brand designs, logotype, and the unified visual style for the 2021 Population and Housing Census.

European Statistics Day 2019


100 Years of Statistics