Energy statistics methodology
The availability of energy sources and their consumption are among the basic prerequisites for a functional and operable society. Along with several other factors, energy determines the existence of our entire civilization. Therefore, energy statistics deals with all phases of the "life cycle" of fuels and energy. The statistics contain data covering the area from energy production, fuel extraction, import, export of raw materials, through its transformation and then to its final consumption.
I. Basic definition
Statistics of Energy monitors subjects across all sectors of the national economy. Therefore, the monitored sectors include entities in sectors with activities with CZ-NACE code 01 to 96.
II. Source of data
Energy statistics uses its own statistical surveys in the field of energy, other sources of data from the CZSO as well as administrative sources of data from other institutions. Own statistical surveys are carried out using annual and monthly statistical reports/forms.
1. Statistical surveys
Monthly: EPR 1 – 12 Monthly statistical form on crude oil, petroleum products and biofuels for refineries and petroleum products producers, as well as EPS 1 – 12 Monthly statistical form on crude oil, petroleum products and biofuels for commercial, storage and consumer economic entities
Annual: EP5 – 01 Annual statistical form on fuels and energy consumption and fuel stocks, EP6 – 01 Annual statistical form on electricity and natural gas supply, EP7 – 01 Annual statistical form on sources and distribution of fuels, EP8 – 01 Annual statistical form on fuels refining energy processes, EP9 – 01 Annual statistical form on consumption of fuels and energy for production of selected products and EP10 – 01 Annual statistical form on the production and distribution of electrical and thermal energy. Samples of statistical reports/forms are available at
2. Administrative data sources, taken over data
The administrative data sources and the data obtained and taken over are mainly from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Energy Regulatory Office, the Ministry of Transport of Czech Republic and the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute.
In the case of the MIT, the reports are Eng (MIT) 1 – 12 Monthly statistical form on sources and distribution of solid fuels, Eng (MIT) 6 – 12 Monthly statistical form on biofuels, Eng (MIT) 4 – 01 Annual statistical form on production of energy from renewable and other sources, Eng (MIT) 5 – 01 Annual statistical form on supply of electricity, heat, energy gases and on fuels used for production of electricity and heat.
The data taken from the ERU come from the reports on the operation of the electricity and natural gas energy systems. The Register of Electricity Producers and Suppliers is also used. Data from the (REZZO) Register of Emissions and Sources of Air Pollution are obtained from the CHMI. From DG Customs, data related to the Transport of Goods under Excise Duty Suspension (EMCS), as well as data dealing with the prescription and collection of excise duty (SPD) are used.
III. Basic and sample set creation, imputation and estimation of the unsurveyed part of the population
Reporting business entities are selected from the Business Register, based on their main (predominant) economic activity and their size (measured by the number of employees or insured persons). In general, the content and purpose of statistical surveys, the range of reporting units, the method of statistical surveys, periodicity and deadlines for providing data are regulated in the decree on the program of statistical surveys for the relevant calendar year.
IV. Overview of basic published indicators
Primary sources - the extraction of primary fuel sources is reported at the level of marketable extraction after primary treatment, renewable fuel sources, electricity from hydroelectric power, electricity from wind, solar installations, etc. measured at the terminals of generators, electricity and heat production in nuclear power plants.
Other sources - other recorded fuels increases, e.g. coal sludge, or stock draw (stock build) of semi-finished oil products.
Cross border movement of goods out of the Czech Republic (Export) / Cross border movement of goods into the Czech Republic (Import) includes Cross border movement of goods out of the Czech Republic (Export) / Cross border movement of goods into the Czech Republic (Import) of all types of fuels and energy, including in the form of semi-finished products, carried out according to the applicable regulations, includes data of enterprises confronted with data of foreign trade statistics. Transit deliveries of fuels and energy are not included.
Change in stocks - stocks draw (reduction of stocks) increases available resources and are therefore marked (+), stocks build (increase of stocks) reduces these resources and is marked (-).
Gross domestic consumption is the sum of primary sources, other sources, recycled products, the movement of goods into the Czech Republic (imports), the amount drawn from/added to stocks and direct use less the movement of goods out of the Czech Republic (exports).
The statistical difference is due to the time lag between the records of the producer and the trading organisations and the consumer. Differences in the data expressed in energy equivalent are also caused by differences in the reporting of calorific values, particularly for solid fuels, by the producer (supplier) and the consumer. This is the difference between sources and uses.
The transformation input is the quantity of fuel entering the transformation process (e.g. the quantity of crude oil entering a refinery).
The transformation output is the quantity of energy products produced in the transformation process (e.g. petroleum products – motor gasoline, road diesel, fuel oils, etc.).
Final non-energy consumption is the final consumption of fuels for non-energy purposes (e.g. natural gas used for ammonia production).
Final consumption is the consumption of fuels and energy captured before entering appliances where it is used for the final utility effect and not for the production of other energy (excluding secondary energy sources).
Large consumption - consumers connected to the HV (above 52 kV) or MV (from 1 to 52 kV) network.
Small consumption - consumers connected to the LV network (up to 1 kV).
Total electricity production - production measured at the terminals of generators (gross).
Total Installed Capacity - the highest active electrical output that the power plant is capable of delivering, given the basic parameters.
Total heat production (heat supply for distribution - net production) - the amount of heat produced in the steam generators, excluding consumption for electricity generation and self-consumption and losses in the boiler house.
Heating - the activity of maintaining the internal temperature of a dwelling at a level of thermal comfort. Almost all fuels and energies can be used for heating. Depending on the household equipment, one or more heat sources can be used for heating. The calculation of fuel and energy consumption for heat production is primarily based on a model of the consumption of the fuel in physical units. In addition, this consumption is converted into units of energy (joules) based on the average calorific value.
Water heating - an activity during which domestic hot water is produced. Almost all fuels and energy can be used to heat water. Depending on the household equipment, one or more appliances may be used to heat water. The calculation of fuel and energy consumption for domestic hot water heating is primarily based on a model of the consumption of the fuel in physical units. In addition, this consumption is converted into units of energy (joules) based on the average calorific value.
Cooking - an activity in which cooked food is prepared. Cooking does not include the preparation of microwave meals, hot drinks and meals typical of fast food establishments. Depending on the household equipment, one or more appliances may be used for cooking. The calculation of fuel and energy consumption for cooking is primarily based on a model of fuel consumption in physical units. In addition, this consumption is converted into units of energy (joules) based on the average calorific value.
V. Retrospective corrections, revisions, procedure for more accurate estimations
Monthly data (import, export data) for the months of the current year are updated every month until August of year R+1y.
The annual data are processed by 30 November Y+1y as provisional data. These data are revised in the following annual cycles at the 30 November deadline, in particular as data from other administrative sources are updated and more accurate.
VI. Comparability
1. Comparability over time
The year-on-year comparability of data is affected by organisational changes, changes in the predominant activity, legislative changes, changes in accounting procedures and, last but not least, the use of new administrative data sources.
1. Comparability with other outputs
The indicators monitored in the annual natural gas and liquid fuels statistics are comparable to those of the monthly natural gas and liquid fuels statistics. However, they differ in the published NACE detail.
Comparison of the data on imports and exports of liquid fuels with the foreign trade statistics allows the correct classification and the quantities of liquid fuels reported to be assessed in the context of the data reported for the foreign trade statistics and the data reported for the energy statistics.
1. International comparability
International comparability is ensured by the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics.
VII. Seasonal adjustment
There is no seasonal adjustment in energy statistics
VIII. Publication of data
The main outputs of energy statistics include:
a) Compilation of international questionnaires for individual fuels and energy (monthly, annual, mini-questionnaires, business questionnaires).
b) Questionnaire for statistics on final energy consumption in households
c) Comprehensive outputs of energy statistics – energy balance, energy efficiency data
d) Other outputs for the needs of the CZSO and other institutions of the Czech Republic
a) On a monthly basis:
Consumption of selected petroleum products and natural gas - contains data on the sources and supply of selected petroleum products in the Czech Republic, in a three-year series, always for a given monthly period and from the beginning of the year. The publication also contains detailed data on the import and export of all petroleum products and the balance of the source part of natural gas supplies in the Czech Republic. The data from the publication are used by known members of the Czech Association of Petroleum Industry and Trade, the Czech Gas Association, some retail chains that monitor the fuel market, the Administration of State Material Reserves, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, EU, and IEA.
b) On an annual basis:
The energy intensity of manufacture of selected products - contains data on the final consumption of fuels and energy for the production of selected products, in a time series since 1988. The importance of the publication is currently growing, as it is used to evaluate energy efficiency and calculate energy efficiency indicators. Data on the intensity of production are mainly used by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, but by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, EU and IEA as well. On an international scale, this is a unique and appreciated publication, especially thanks to the availability of data and the length of the time series.
Fuel and energy consumption – contains data on the total consumption of hard coal and brown coal incl. lignite, natural gas, electricity, coke oven coke, BKB briquettes, motor gasoline and diesel oil in three-year time series according to the two-digit CZ-NACE activity code for the Czech Republic. From the point of view of the focus of the CZSO in the field of energy statistics, as the main institution that has data on fuel and energy consumption, this is an important publication.
c) Irregularly issued:
Fuel and energy consumption in households ENERGO - provides wider information on consumption of fuels and energy in the household sector. It contains the results from the processing of international energy questionnaires compiled on the balance principle and then provides detailed results from the ENERGO survey. There is still great interest in the data from the publication, not only from the state institutions of the Czech Republic, but it is also widely used in the academic sphere and in scientific studies.
d) Time series:
In recent years, time series have not been published for energy statistics; from 2019, there is a change: the publication of the energy balance of the Czech Republic in the Eurostat methodology entitled Energetics is changing to a time series entitled Energy - Energy Balance of the Czech Republic. Since 2016, the Energy Balance has been published in the Eurostat methodology (balance of 2014), until 2015, the Energy Balance was published in the national methodology. The change to a time series allows the publication of energy balances, or parts of it in the time series and make revisions if the data are updated.
The current output in 2019 contains detailed energy balances of individual types of fuel and energy in a time series from 2010. The detailed balance includes natural resources, imports and exports, stock levels, transformation consumption and consumption in the energy sector, and final consumption of individual fuel types and energy broken down by NACE aggregations.
From 2022, a new time series called Energetics - Fuel and Energy Consumption in Households by End Use is published. This time series provides a look at household consumption of individual fuels and energy for specific uses (heating, water heating, cooking, lighting and appliances, refrigeration and other). The current time series contains data from 2015 onwards.
Public database of the CZSO
The following data sets are available for energy statistics in the public database:
ENE02 Extraction of some types of fuel (extraction of hard coal suitable for coking, other bituminous coal, brown coal including lignite, non-associated and associated natural gas and crude oil; extraction is given in physical units and in TJ and their calorific value is calculated).
ENE04 Electricity balance (data on electricity production by type of production plant, cross-border flows, distribution losses and distribution of supplies to large-scale consumption, small-scale consumption including households) - data source Ministry of Industry and Trade, Energy Regulatory Office.
ENE05 Balance of energy processes (input into fuel refining processes, production and losses in fuel refining processes, e.g. coking, brown coal briquetting, blast furnace process, etc.)
ENE06 Energy intensity of selected products (e.g. cement, lime, steel pipes, cardboard, etc.)
IX. Additional methodological information and external links
The main users of energy statistics data in the Czech Republic are the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, the Energy Regulatory Office, the Administration of State Material Reserves, members of the Czech Association of Petroleum Industry and Trade, the Czech Gas Association, academic and scientific sphere, media.
The international users of energy statistics data are Eurostat, IEA and the UN, to which data from the Czech Statistical Office and the Ministry of Industry and Trade are sent in the form of international questionnaires. These organizations publish data for the Czech Republic on their websites and in publications that Czech users are also used to using.
Contact person: Ing. Zbyněk Štech, tel. 274 052 474, E-mail: