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Electronic registry of the CZSO

Information about operation of mail room (filing office) and conditions for acceptance of documents on technical media:

Central mail room (filing office) of the CZSO:

Address: Czech Statistical Office, Na padesátém 81 (street), 100 82 (postcode), Prague 10, Czech Republic

Electronic address of the electronic registry (mail room):

Data box ID of the Czech Statistical Office: 2gfaasy

The electronic registry (mail room) of the CZSO is operated in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Czech Republic No 495/2004 Sb, by means of an e-mail message sent to the address of the electronic registry (mail room) or a data message sent via the data box information system (abbreviated ISDS in Czech) to the CZSO’s data box ID. Its activity is based on the legally required use of an advanced (also “guaranteed”) electronic signature based on a qualified certificate issued by an accredited certification service provider in accordance with the Electronic Signature Act.

For other communications, use contacts given on the website of the Czech Statistical Office or address them to the following e-mail address:

Questions concerning the operation of the electronic registry (mail room) or the procedure for using the data box system should be sent to the electronic address or to the postal address of the CZSO.

A list of legal regulations according to which it is possible to perform legal acts against the CZSO in electronic form:

A request for information on the basis of the Act No 106/1999 Sb, on Free Access to Information, must (if it is in electronic form) be submitted through an electronic registry (mail room). In accordance with the Section 14(2) of the Act No 106/1999 Sb, on Free Access to Information, it must be clear from the request that it is made within the meaning of the Act.

A submission made pursuant to the Act No 500/2004 Sb, the Administrative Procedure Code, must be signed with an advanced (also “guaranteed”) electronic signature based on a qualified certificate issued by an accredited certification service provider.

The Czech Statistical Office does not enable delivering of data messages by means of a technical device in the premises of the CZSO.  

Technical information and parameters of received electronic documents and data messages:

The maximum size limit per message with an electronic submission sent to the e-mail address is 20 MB.

Electronic documents and messages are received in the following formats: HTML/HTM, PDF, PDF/A, DOC, DOCX, ODT, RTF, TXT, XLS, XLSX, ODS, PPT, PPTX, ODP, PNG, JPG/JPEG/JFIF, TIF/TIFF, GIF, ISDOC, ISDOCX, FO/ZFO, XML (with XML structure description), MPEG1/MPEG2, MP2/MP3, WAV.

For electronic submissions, the following portable (technical) media are accepted: non-rewritable CD/DVD media or a USB flash drive containing a format readable under the Windows operating system. The delivered medium shall only be returned upon explicit request made at the time of its submission to the mail room (filing office).

If multiple electronic documents are part of a single submission, it must be clear which document is the actual submission and which documents are electronic attachments to that submission.

Security evaluation of a received electronic submission, a data message:

If an electronic submission, a data message cannot be displayed in a user- perceivable way (e.g. it is illegible), contains an incorrect data format or a computer programme (malware) that is capable of causing damage to the information system or to information processed by the CZSO, or contains an unsolicited commercial message (SPAM), such electronic submission, data message shall not be processed by the electronic registry (mail room) and the sender, if known, shall be informed of this fact.

Rules for confirming delivery of an electronic submission, a data message

The delivery of an electronic submission, a data message shall be confirmed to the sender if it is possible to determine the sender's electronic address from the received electronic submission, data message. The message confirming the delivery shall not constitute confirmation of the fulfilment of requirements of the submission under other legal provisions. If it is established that the electronic submission, data message does not comply with the prescribed requirements or has other deficiencies, the originator of the submission shall be requested to remove them and shall be given a reasonable period of time to do so.

A confirmation message includes:

  • date and time, when an electronic submission, a data message was delivered;
  • first name and surname of an authorised employee; and
  • advanced (also “guaranteed”) electronic signature of an authorised employee of the CZSO. 

A list of authorised employees of the CZSO who electronically sign a confirmation of an electronic submission at
Ms Koubová Dana (surname, first name)

A list of related legal regulations:

  • Decree of the Government of the Czech Republic No 495/2004 Sb, implementing the Act No 227/2000 Sb, on Electronic Signature and amending certain other acts,
  • Decree No 496/2004 Sb, on Electronic Mailrooms (Filing Offices),
  • Act No 499/2004 Sb, on Archiving and Records Management (Electronic Record Service / Filing Service) and amending certain acts, as subsequently amended,
  • Decree of the Ministry of the Interior No 259/2012 Sb, on Details of the Performance of Records Management,
  • Act No 227/2000 Sb, on Electronic Signature, as subsequently amended,
  • Act No 297/2016 Sb, on Trust Services for Electronic Transactions, as subsequently amended,
  • Act No 298/2016 Sb, amending certain acts in Connection with the Adoption of the Act on Trust Services for Electronic Transactions, the Act No 106/1999 Sb, on Free Access to Information, as subsequently amended, and the Act No 121/2000 Sb, on Copyright, on Rights Related to Copyright, and amending certain acts (Copyright Act), as subsequently amended,
  • Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions,
  • Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.